[comp.unix.xenix] Using Tar

swade@sandstorm.Berkeley.EDU (Wade Shen) (08/31/90)

I have a tar file that is too big to be extracted onto my HD... How would i go about untaring it
I have enough space for the untared files but not for the tar and the extracted files... I have a tape drive
and have tried to use it to tar the tar files and then extract it and pipe it to another tar:
	tar -xvf /dev/rct0 | tar -xvf emacs.tar

	This doesn't work either... Can anyone help?

jeff@answer.UUCP (Jeffrey E. Finucane) (08/31/90)

  Unless I misunderstand your problem, it seems you should be able to place the
tar file on tape with dd or the likes
   dd if=emacs.tar of=/dev/rct0
and then use tar to extract it (after removing the tar file from the HD).

itkin@mrspoc.Transact.COM (Steven M. List) (09/01/90)

swade@sandstorm.Berkeley.EDU (Wade Shen) writes:

>I have a tar file that is too big to be extracted onto my HD... How would 
>i go about untaring it.  I have enough space for the untared files but not 
>for the tar and the extracted files... I have a tape drive and have tried 
>to use it to tar the tar files and then extract it and pipe it to another 
>	tar -xvf /dev/rct0 | tar -xvf emacs.tar

>	This doesn't work either... Can anyone help?

If I understand correctly, the problem is to extract the files but without
doubling disk requirements.  Why would one use two tar commands in this
instance?  It sounds as though Wade is TARring the TAR file onto tape
first.  If this is so, then try, instead, writing the tar file onto the
tape with DD.  Depending on the block size in the TAR file (default is 1
block - 512 bytes - according to the manual), the commands would be this:

	dd if=emacs.tar of=/dev/rct0 bs=1b
	#rm emacs.tar
	tar -xvf /dev/rct0

I'd think that would do it.  Can anyone else think of something that I'm
missing here?
 :                Steven List @ Transact Software, Inc. :^>~                  :
 :           Chairman, Unify User Group of Northern California                :
 :     {apple,coherent,limbo,mips,pyramid,ubvax}!itkin@guinan.Transact.COM    :

les@chinet.chi.il.us (Leslie Mikesell) (09/01/90)

In article <1990Aug30.202639.26547@agate.berkeley.edu> swade@sandstorm.Berkeley.EDU (Wade Shen) writes:
>I have a tar file that is too big to be extracted onto my HD... How would i go about untaring it
>I have enough space for the untared files but not for the tar and the extracted files... I have a tape drive

If you are close to having enough space, you might make it if you compress the
tar file, then extract with "zcat file | tar xf -" .  Otherwise you will
have to use dd to copy the tar file image to tape, then read it back in
with a normal tar command. To be safe, you might want to do a verify pass
on the tape using tar t before you delete the disk copy.

Les Mikesell