[comp.misc] Public Domain Languages

wpl@burdvax.UUCP (William P Loftus) (12/02/86)

I am compiling a list of public domain compilers/interpreters/language-tools.
If anyone knows of any, please send the following information:

purpose (i.e. compiler for C, etc.)
Author of the compiler/interpreter/language-tool
Address where it can be obtained
Machines it executes on
Short discription

Please e-mail your responses to me and I will post the final list to
the net.

William P Loftus			UUCP:   wpl@burdvax, sword@excalibur
SDC R&D/Software Technology		ARPA: 	
PO Box 517				BITNET:
Paoli, PA 19301
215-648-7222 (work) 215-646-8434 (home) 215-628-2067 (home, yet again)

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