rob@Array.UUCP (Rob Marchand) (04/07/87)
I guess the Subject line says it all. We're interested in purchasing a used IBM 4381 computer. The peripherals aren't an issue yet. If anyone can help us out, or point us to someone that can, it would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Rob Marchand rob@array || ... utzoo!dciem!rob --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rob Marchand UUCP: {watmath,mnetor}!utzoo!dciem!array!rob Array Systems Computing ENVOY: 21:ARY001 200-5000 Dufferin Street FAX : (416) 736-4715 Downsview, Ontario CANADA Telex: I can't remember. M3H 5T5 +1 (416) 736-0900 Quote: "It ain't purty, but it works..." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
authorplaceholder@gorgo.UUCP.UUCP (04/28/87)
From: gorgo!mike Subject: wanted: 4381 There may be an old, tired, too-small, too-slow 3031-AP available, but I am not sure where it is since our staff got split. You can find out more about it from Bill Jezercak at (405) 521-3666, who got rid of the thing after a long, long struggle. Think it went to a junk buyer, but it *MIGHT* have gone to State Surplus, in which case it has been sitting out in an open yard in the dust, rain, etc., and you won't want it.