[comp.misc] Survey of Software Professionals

harry@ucbarpa.Berkeley.EDU (Harry I. Rubin) (05/04/87)

       Survey of Software Professionals and Students
       ------ -- -------- ------------- --- --------

     This survey of software professionals and  students  is
part  of  a study being conducted at the University of Cali-
fornia, Berkeley, Graduate School  of  Business  Administra-
tion.   If  the main focus of your job or schoolwork is com-
puter software in any aspect, please help us by filling  out
this brief questionnaire.  With the information you provide,
we will be able to better  understand  the  motivations  and
behaviors  of  software professionals.  Pre-tests have shown
that the questionnaire only takes 10-15 minutes to complete.
Your answers will remain private.
     Please answer each question by marking the  response(s)
that  seems  best  or most true. If none of the answers seem
quite right, mark the one(s) that seems best or  closest  to
true.   If you have trouble with a question, write a note in
the survey, but answer the question  as  well  as  you  can.
Answer  each question carefully, without rushing, but do not
spend a lot of time thinking about your answers.
     When you are finished, send the completed questionnaire
by electronic mail to one of the following addresses


If unable to return the  questionnaire  by  electronic  mail,
then please mail your completed questionnaire to

       Edward F. Hernandez
       c/o Graduate School of Business Administration
       350 Barrows Hall
       University of California, Berkeley
       Berkeley, CA  94720

Please complete and return the questionnaire as soon as pos-
     If you would like a copy of the survey results,  please
write  to us under separate cover.  Since your name will not
appear on the questionnaire this is the only way we can  get
your  name and address.  We will be happy to send you a copy
of the results when they are ready.
     Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.

                              Edward F. Hernandez and Harry I. Rubin


(1)  What is your job title (if you are a student write ``student''):

(2)  Briefly describe your job:

(3)  What do you like best about your current job?   If  you
are  a  student,  what do you expect to like best about your
future jobs?

(4)  What do you like least about your current job?  If  you
are  a  student, what do you expect to like least about your
future jobs?

(5)  How long have  you  been  a  software  professional  or
studying  to become one, that is, since you declared a major
in computer software or since your main  job  responsibility
became working with software, whichever was earlier?
                _____ years

(6)  Is the software you work with primarily:
                ___ products your company sells or may sell
                ___ for internal company use
                ___ research
                ___ class assignments
                ___ other (what? ____________________________________________)

(7)  How important is it to you that the software  you  work
with  be  widely  distributed, so that it could be used by a
large number of people?  If you are a student, how important
do you expect this will be to you when you are working?
                ___ very important,
		___ somewhat important
		___ a little important
		___ not at all important

(8)  In your current job, how true is it that  the  software
you work with is (or is likely to be) widely distributed, so
that it could be used by a large number of people?
                ___ very true
		___ somewhat true
		___ a little true
		___ not at all true

(9)  For each of the following sets of  four  items,  please
rank  the  items in order of which is most important to you.
Rank them from one to four, with one the most important  and
four  the  least important; use each number once in each set
of items.  Do NOT rate how true each item is of your current
job, but how IMPORTANT the item is to you.

	(1 = most important, 4 = least important;
	use each number once in each set):

                _____ freedom to decide how to do my own job
                _____ compensation (pay and benefits)
                _____ opportunity to develop my abilities
                _____ working hours

	(1 = most important, 4 = least important;
	use each number once in each set):

                _____ physical surroundings
                _____ interesting work
                _____ chance to do the things I do best
                _____ easy to find a job in my field

	(1 = most important, 4 = least important;
	use each number once in each set):

                _____ chances for promotion are good
                _____ chance to be creative
                _____ job security
                _____ problems I am expected to solve are hard enough

(10)  What percentage of your work  time  do  you  spend  on
various kinds of tasks?
                _____% managerial work
                _____% administrative work
                _____% technical work on computer software
			    (including school projects)
                _____% technical work on computer hardware
			    (including school projects)
                _____% other technical work
                _____% schoolwork other than projects
                _____% other (what? __________________________________________)
           total 100%

(11)  Of the time you spend on  technical  work  related  to
computer software, what percentages are spent on the follow-
ing kinds of tasks?
                _____% designing
                _____% coding, testing, debugging new software
                _____% documentation
                _____% maintenance: enhancement
                _____% maintenance: bug fixes
                _____% user support, answering questions, etc.
                _____% other (primarily what? ________________________________)
           total 100%

(12)  If you were offered a  job  with  higher  compensation
(pay  and  benefits)  but  less  interesting  work than your
current job, would you seriously consider taking it?   (Stu-
dents please imagine you are employed.)
                ___ definitely yes
		___ yes
		___ no
		___ definitely no

(13)  Typically, how often do you work late  or  work  extra
hours?  (Students skip.)
                ___ almost every day
                ___ twice or more a week
                ___ about once a week
                ___ about once every two weeks
                ___ about once a month
                ___ less than once a month
                ___ very rarely or never

(14)  What are the reasons  you  work  overtime?   (Students skip.)

                                           % of overtime
                 reason for overtime       worked for this reason
                 I like it                         _____%
                 management pressure               _____%
                 project needs it                  _____%
                 I owe it to the company           _____%
                 something to do                   _____%
                 company needs it                  _____%
                 coworker requested it             _____%

(15)  Are you paid when you work overtime (other than ``comp'' time)?
(Students skip.)
                ___ yes,  ___ no

(16)  How much money (pay and benefits) does it take to make you happy?
                ___ never enough
		___ lots
		___ some
		___ not too much
		___ very little
		___ anything is enough

(17)  How interesting or challenging does your work have  to be
to make you happy?
                ___ never enough
		___ lots
		___ some
		___ not too much
		___ very little
		___ anything is enough

(18)  Do you work on computers as  a  hobby  or  recreation?
How  many  hours  per week of your own time do you typically
spend on computer-related activities that are  not  directly
related to your job or your coursework?
                _____ hours/week

(19)  How long have you been working  with  computers  as  a
hobby or recreation?
                _____ years

(20)  If you were offered a job with more  interesting  work
but  lower compensation (pay and benefits) than your current
job, would you  seriously  consider  taking  it?   (Students
please imagine you have a job.)
                ___ definitely yes
		___ yes
		___ no
		___ definitely no

(21)  The next question involves things a person may or  may
not  look  for  in  a  job.  Some of these things are listed
below.  People differ a lot  in  terms  of  which  of  these
things  are  more  important to them.  We'd like to know how
important to you each of these things  is.   For  each  item
please mark one of the four alternatives shown, according to
how important each item is to you.

        It is VERY IMPORTANT (vi) to me to have a job where....
        It is SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT (si) to me to have a job where....
        It is A LITTLE IMPORTANT (li) to me to have a job where....
        It is NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT (ni) to me to have a job where....

 ... the chances for promotion are good                         vi si li ni
 ... I have an opportunity to develop my own special abilities  vi si li ni
 ... I receive enough resources (including information, equip-
          ment, time, help, etc.) to get the job done           vi si li ni
 ... the work is interesting                                    vi si li ni
 ... the pay is good                                            vi si li ni
 ... I am given a lot of freedom to decide how I do my own work vi si li ni
 ... it is easy for me to find a job in my field                vi si li ni
 ... I am given a chance to do the things I do best             vi si li ni
 ... the job security is good                                   vi si li ni
 ... the problems I am expected to solve are hard enough        vi si li ni
 ... my fringe benefits are good                                vi si li ni
 ... the physical surroundings are pleasant                     vi si li ni
 ... the job requires that I be creative                        vi si li ni
 ... the hours are good                                         vi si li ni
(22)  Where did you learn to work  with  computer  software?
(Check all that apply.)
                ___ currently working on undergraduate college degree
                ___ some undergraduate college work, no degree, not now enrolled
                ___ 2-year college degree (associate's degree)
                ___ 4-year college degree (bachelor's degree)
                ___ currently working on graduate college degree
                ___ some graduate college work, no degree, not now enrolled
                ___ master's degree
                ___ doctoral degree
                        major: _____________________________________________
                                (if you have degrees with different majors,
				please indicate which degree was associated
				with which major)
                ___ vocational/technical school program
                        name of program: ____________________________________
                        length of program: _______ months
                ___ formal on-the-job training program
                        length of program: _______ months
                ___ informal on-the-job training
                ___ informal training unrelated to employment
                        describe briefly: _____________________________________
                ___ other
                        describe briefly: _____________________________________

(23) What fraction of a full-time job is your job officially
considered  (NOT  how much you actually work)?  If you are a
student, what fraction of a  full-time  courseload  are  you
                ___ full time
		___ 3/4  time
		___ 2/3  time
		___ 1/2  time
		___ 1/3  time
		___ 1/4  time
		___ other  (what? _______)

(24)  What is your salary?  $___________/year
(25)  How old are you?  _____ years
(26)  Are you:  ___ male,  ___ female
(27)  How did you receive this survey?
                ___ at work
                ___ undergraduate class (which? ______________)
                ___ graduate student mailboxes
                ___ electronic network
			(which newsgroup or mailing list? ____________________)
                ___ other  (what? ____________________________________________

             Thank you very much for your help.