[comp.misc] Electronic Message Boards

mp1w+@andrew.cmu.edu (Marc Russell Pawliger) (06/17/87)

I have an electronic message board that was manufactured by the (now defunct)
firm called SignLine/Universal, that was located in California (or so says
the tag on the back of the display).  The thing is Z8681 based, and has two
16K PROMs in it that contain the most convoluted Z80 code ever seen by man.
It also has an 8 switch DIP in it.  When the display powers up, the PROM
version number, followed by the hex representation of the DIPswitch, show for
a few seconds.  The board has a DTR, TXD and GND.  That's it.  Does anyone
know what language this board might possibly speak?  Do the DIPswitches set
the baud rate?  Any help on this is greatly apprecited.  Also if anyone has
heard anything of the whereabouts of these now-gone firms, please let me

			Marc Pawliger