[comp.misc] Assembly Language and grading

root@hobbes.UUCP (John Plocher) (08/21/87)

Roy Smith writes:
> 	My experience has been that most assembler code has one comment
> per statement, often not very useful at that.

In one of the asm language courses I took the instructor wanted a comment
on every line (and a chicken on every plate :-) I couldn't see the
reasoning behind such an arbitrary requirement until another student came
to me with a problem in his code.  As he spread out the 10 pages of PDP-11
asm source I noticed there were NO comments :-( When I asked why, he
responded with the answer "The teacher said that comments tell what the
program does, and I don't know what the heck it's doing!" :-)  After that I
noticed that the students were divided into two camps, those who commented
after the fact: (the program works and I have 45 minutes before it is due;
I might as well comment it...)

	add a, b	; add a to b

and those of us who took the time to present the algorithm in a HLL:

; loop through the array and zero out each element
	mov r1, 1	; for  r1 = 1 to 10 step 1 do
.l100   cmp r1, 10	;
	bgt .l101 	; begin
	mov array(r1),0 ;    array[0] := 0;
	inc r1 		;
	bra .l100	; end;

With this hindsight (there, Phil, I spelled it right!) it is easy to see
that the comment on every line was required in an effort to force the
students to determine WHY each line was needed, as well as making life
easier on the graders.

BTW, it was obvious by the grades given who followed each of the two
commenting styles above.  

It seems to me that a good grading scale would be:
    does it work as required?	40% (minimal conformance)
    testing suite:		20% (extra credit for enhancements)
    commenting style:		20% (can grader/teacher follow algorithm?)
    algorithm quality:		20% (bubble sort vs quicksort...)

The point being that a not so bright student who bashes thru and by brute
force gets the assignment done to the satisfaction of the minimum
assignment guidelines (comment on every line, implements the assignment to
the letter, no more, no less,...) should NOT automaticly get a great grade.

As you can tell, I consider an assignment to be the minimal specs on a
program - it will do this and this by this time or it won't be elegable
for full credit.  The student should consider this to be the basis for
their program and expand on the thing as desired - developing a table
driven scanner instead of a gigantic case statement, adding data caches to
a database design, using traps and interrupts instead of busy waiting for
events...  In effect showing not only an understanding of the algorithm
being presented in the assignment, but enough of a mastery of it to 
expand on it.

[ This is obviously not suited for a first time computer user, but by
the third or fourth program these ideas should be presented. ]

John Plocher uwvax!geowhiz!uwspan!plocher  plocher%uwspan.UUCP@uwvax.CS.WISC.EDU