[comp.misc] Upgrades for archaic TRS-80 Model III

agv@j.cc.purdue.edu (Dave Murrell) (01/09/88)

I was just given a Model III and am curious if there are
upgrade kits still available for it. It has no disk drives
and no RS232 port -- both of which would be nice to have.
Does anyone know where these upgrades can be obtained
cheaply (I don't want to invest too much in this -- but
it may have merit as an "intelligent" terminal)? Also,
if you know where the drives can be purchased/mooched,
do you know where DOS/Disk BASIC can be gotten?

Thanks in advance,

-- Dave
ARPA: agv@s.cc.purdue.edu | USPS: Purdue University Computing Center
UUCP: cc.purdue.edu!agv   |       Math Sciences Building
BITNET: murrell@purccvm   |       West Lafayette, IN. 47906

leonard@bucket.UUCP (Leonard Erickson) (01/12/88)

In article <6122@j.cc.purdue.edu> agv@j.cc.purdue.edu (Dave Murrell) writes:
<I was just given a Model III and am curious if there are
<upgrade kits still available for it. It has no disk drives
<and no RS232 port -- both of which would be nice to have.
<Does anyone know where these upgrades can be obtained
<cheaply (I don't want to invest too much in this -- but
<it may have merit as an "intelligent" terminal)? Also,
<if you know where the drives can be purchased/mooched,
<do you know where DOS/Disk BASIC can be gotten?

Well, to start with, you might try Radio Shack! Unlike IBM Tandy
is still selling stuff for machines that were discontinued over
5 years ago.

Or pick up a copy of 80 Micro and check the ads.

Even if you get your drives & RS-232 from someone other than Tandy,
you may want to spend the $20-30 for a copy of TRSDOS 1.3 as a sort
of "lowest common denominator" between all the Model 3 OS's out there.

But I really would consider giving the Model 3 to the kids for games.
After you add the drives and RS-232, the re-sale value of the system
is likely to be less than you'll pay for the upgrades! (the last price
I saw for a 2 drive 48k Mod 3 with Rs-232 was $300, and the prices are
going *down*....)

Leonard Erickson		...!tektronix!reed!percival!bucket!leonard
CIS: [70465,203]
"I used to be a hacker. Now I'm a 'microcomputer specialist'.
You know... I'd rather be a hacker."

wpnst@cisunx.UUCP (Bill 'Deus' Nixon) (01/13/88)

Why upgrade a Tandy machine, when you can buy a Tandy Model 4 with TWO
double sided drives for $799.  Just got the monthly Radio Schack Junk
Mail flier, and saw it advertised.  Alot of there Tandy 1000 lines are
cheap too.  Just wish I could trust Tandy, and know the machines will be
active for more than one year.


Bill 'Deus' Nixon  		One of the Univ. Of Pgh  ZETS !
mail :	wpnst@pittvms.BITNET
	{allegra, cadre, psuvax1}!pitt!cisunx!wpnst