(PRINCIPLE#MI%1-%(1+(MI_APR%12))*12#YEARS) (02/27/88)
Does anyone out there still have the old issues of the magazine from the People's Computer Company of Menlo Park, California? We're talking early Seventies, here. I am particularly looking to obtain copies of the episodic cartoon feature "Fortran Man". It was punfully scripted and humorously drawn by Lee Schneider and Todd Voros. I kick myself for not saving *at least* that feature from the magazines. My email address is PETERSON.VAXWRK@DEC.COM. Some people have trouble getting to me that way and since I'm not network or gateway wiz I'll post my snail address too, in case: 287 Oak Street, Clinton, MA 01510. Since I do not read comp.misc I would appreciate only replies sent to me directly. Thank you all! \bob peterson /\ Looking for FORTRAN MAN! p.s. Fortran Man, for the uninitiated (most of you, I assume), was a superhero FORTRAN compiler (drawn as an F) and had a sidekick, Billy Basic (B). Between them they battled such fiends as Count Algol (who sucked the bits from data files and left them dry) to The Glitchmaster who had taken over Micro Land. As a taste of the scripting, here is an excerpt from the Glitchmaster adventure, first installment (the only F-man episode I have at all): BB: No sweat, F-Man...this is Basic code...and if I can't read this, no one can! It's a private line transmission addressed to you, F-man...from Clan McIntel in Micro Land! F-Man: The Land of the Little People? What does it say? [And so Billy reads on] A FEW CYCLES AGO, A DEMENTED NOISEMAKER CALLING HIMSELF 'THE GLITCHMASTER' CAME TO OUR LAND, AND IMMEDIATELY ANNOUNCED HIS INTENTION TO RULE IT! F-man: Hmph! I've heard _that_ line of code before! WE THOUGHT NOTHING OF THIS THREAT...UNTIL WE DISCOVERED HE HAD MANAGED TO PENETRATE OUR FILE SECURITY AND MADE OFF WITH OUR CLAN MASCOT, THE LOCKOUT MONSTER! WITH OUT BELOVED MONSTER UNDER HIS CONTROL, THE GLITCHMASTER HAS ALL LINES OF COMMUNICATION BLOCKED...WE WERE THEREFORE FORCED TO USE THIS RATHER UNCONVENTIONAL MEANS OF TRANSMITTING OUR MESSAGE! THE UNDERGROUND RESISTANCE MOVEMENT, LED BY GENERAL WIREWOUND, IS PUTTING UP A VALIANT TO PULL DOWN THESE LINES, BY[PASS THE CURRENT REGIME AND RESTORE ORDER, BUT WITH LITTLE SUCCESS... And it goes on...