[comp.misc] Address for Larry Wall?

pinkas@cadev4.intel.com (Israel Pinkas ~) (04/22/88)

I need an E-mail address for Larry Wall, the author of rn and patch.  Can
somebody send it to me?  The only one I have is lwall@sdcrdcf.UUCP, from
his README file, but I do not know how to get there.  (No, we do not run
pathalias here.)


Disclaimer: The above are my personal opinions, and in no way represent
the opinions of Intel Corporation.  In no way should the above be taken
to be a statement of Intel.

UUCP:	{amdcad,decwrl,hplabs,oliveb,pur-ee,qantel}!intelca!mipos3!cadev4!pinkas
ARPA:	pinkas%cadev4.intel.com@relay.cs.net
CSNET:	pinkas%cadev4.intel.com

"You can do more with a kind word and a gun than with just a kind word"

			-Al Capone

wisner@eddie.MIT.EDU (Bill Wisner) (04/25/88)

Larry Wall's current address is lwall@devvax.jpl.nasa.gov; he is not
at SDC any more.
