[comp.misc] Arpanet evolution

bwf@ihuxz.ATT.COM (Fecht) (06/14/88)

A couple of months ago, some articles posted to the net talked
about plans to upgrade the Arpanet (called it DDN) transport
back-bone to more state-of-the-art computer communications
equipment.  There was one rather long article describing the
details, including the govt's desire for ...

	- packet transport, no value-added (eg X.25)
	- T1 backbones, circa 1990 with upgrades to higher backbone
		trunks (DS3) after a couple of years
	- single equipment and software vendor
	- single network management and administration

Can someone send me this old article and/or fill me in on the
current details.  I think I remember this upgrade being in the
planning stages when the article was posted.


Bernard Fecht
AT&T Bell Laboratories, Naperville IL