[comp.misc] Kic and MAGIC for SUN

yk@CHINA.CTR.COLUMBIA.EDU (Yoshihito Koya) (07/12/88)

  Dear Reader :

	  I am an undergraduate student working at Mixed Analog
	vlsi lab at Columbia university. I have two problems.
        First, I have an assignment to bring up an integrated
        circuit	layout program called Kic, which is developed by UC
	Berkeley, on our SUN computer.  But the trouble is that the 
	program does not have the driver for the SUN terminal.
	I would appreciate if someone can tell me either how
	can I modify Kic terminal drivers so that it will
	work on Sun3/60, or if such a driver exists then how
	to aquire it.
	  Second, I am also interested in having MAGIC, another
	layout editor, working on Sun 3/60 in color. Because
	Sun 3/60 has two layers	of modes, B/W and color, MAGIC
	 (it only has drivers for Sun2/120, by the way) chooses
	B/W mode instead of color mode which seems to have less
	priority.  Again, I like to know how can I modify the
	driver to work on Sun3/60 or does such a driver exist.
	  If you know the solution to any of the above problems,
	please reply through e-mail as soon as possible. 
        I am in most desparate need for it.  

    My account is :


	Thank you for your cooperation. 

    Yoshi Koya


     Address    :
		      Att. Yoshihito Koya
                      1220 S.W. Mudd Building
		      Columbia University / CTR
		      New York, NY 10027
    Telephone  :      (212) 280 - 4685
