[net.unix-wizards] DG MV10000 UNIX experience

hartley@uvm-cs.UUCP (Stephen J. Hartley) (11/09/84)

We are getting a Data General MV10000 here at the University of Vermont in
the near future.  We have a choice of getting native-mode UNIX or a version
of UNIX that runs under Data General's AOSVS operating system (UNIX is a
trademark of Bell Labs).  Does anybody have any experience with either of
these alternatives?  Can anybody make any recommendations based on a
comparison?  Thank you very much, and I will gladly summarize for the net.
"If that's true, then I'm the Pope!"		Stephen J. Hartley
USENET:	decvax!dartvax!uvm-gen!uvm-cs!hartley	The University of Vermont
CSNET:	hartley%uvm@csnet-relay			(802) 656-3330