utoddl@ecsvax.uncecs.edu (Todd M. Lewis) (11/08/88)
Lots of folks got cought with their sequrity pants down. Im[D[DWhile his actions were "less that responsible", in the men[Ddium run this is probably a good thing. Vires[D[Duses are[D[D[D(viri?) are not going away, and perhaps some administraters[D[D[Dors will pay more attention to seq[Dcurity for a while. If you really wanted the network to be secure, you could have one or more groups who's purpose is to detect and in some benign and publicly embarrassing way exploit security loopholes accross[D[D[D[D[D[Dcross the network. Of course, they should also be charce[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[Dhave the task of making recommendations about closing those same loopholes. [DI don't expect to see this happen:-) --Todd