[comp.misc] Gateway into the USSR

crunch@well.UUCP (John Draper) (12/14/88)

  I have had a LOT of requests for information on the SF/ Moscow
teleport.   In response to those people wanting this information,
the Moscow side says the following:


Message 1 (59 lines)
From sfmtmoscow Tue Dec 13 02:21 PST 1988
To: prognetussr
Subject: Info about SFMT

San Francisco Moscow Teleport.
3278,   Sacramento   St.,   San   Francisco,   CA   94115,   USA, 
telephone:(415)9318500 telex:9103804097 TELEPORT
Joel Schatz - chairman (sfmt:jschatz)
----------     -----------    ------------   ------------
SFMT  was created in 1985. In it's first year, SFMT  created  the 
first  computer  communication  link  between  the  US  and  USSR 
officially approved by both governments. 
This is the only public computer network in the USSR!
SFMT  has   opened  a Moscow  office  (sfmt:sfmtmoscow)  for  the 
purpose  of  expanding  its  customer  base,  providing  customer 
support,  training and technical consultation  and  collaborative 
research   and  development  projects  with  the  Institute   for 
Automated  Systems,  USSR. The office,, situated  in  central  of 
Moscow,  is  under the auspices of  the  Cooperative  Association 
"ELIN" (electronic information).
Technical support in Moscow:
Computers: Toshiba 3100
          Toshiba 1100 
          Tandy LapTop 
          Tandy portable
Modems:   Concord Series II 224
          USRobotics Courier 2400e
          Hayes   compatible   internal  modems   without   error 
          Tandy DMP
          EPSON LQ
Host:     386 & UNIX
Protocol: X.25 in Moscow
And so on.

We  have lots of users in US in USSR that communicate each  other 
We also can use GN PN and IGC systems.

Now, ELIN and IAS start to set Moscow commercial net. So, we need 
lot  of technical information about net's system  programs,  host 
machines, modems . . . .

Thank you, see you on-line.
Andrei (sfmtmoscow)

P.S.  I  think that tomorrow (I hope) I'll communicate  with  you 
from  Yerevan  (Armenia)  from  my  Armenian  account  "yerevan". 
Fantastic problem with the tickets to Yerevan....

   I was requested to post this from the Moscow office.    So this
should anser SOME of your many questions.    

   Due to the circumstances in Armenia,   the Soviet side is VERY BUSY
providing communications for a worthy cause.    If needed,   we will
possibly be passing messages and posting pleas for help.    Just be
patient about getting your answers.    

   We haven't gotten word about the ICC Convention in Moscow yet,  but
as far as I know,  it's still on,  and they will also be "on-line"
and I will be happy to pass all this useful information onto the Net.

   For the time being,   I'll post this in "comp.misc".   If too many
people object,  I have requested the Sys Admins for a seperate newsgroup.

   Perhaps "moskvax" might be a possibility after all..... Hmmmm!!!
a 386 running UNIX??   I wonder what they have???   

More later.....
John Draper - uunet!acad!well!crunch