crunch@well.UUCP (John Draper) (02/12/89)
NetNews #4 from ICC in Moscow... __________________________________________________________ ********************************************************** INFORMATIQUE at the service of international dialogue xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O M P U T E R C L U B _________________________________________________________ ********************************************************* * * * 101813, Moscow, Center, proyezd Serova, 4 USSR; tel: (095) 924-0787; 921-0902 telex: 411630 San Francisco/Moscow Teleport Net: "icc" At: Dr. Sergei Kurdumov, President Dr. Alexander Yegorov, General Director Mr. Valerie Maister, ICC-USA Department * * * ICC-USA: P.O. Box 4028 San Rafael, CA 94913 (415) 472-3493; telex: 4937174(MC UI) fax: 415/499-0967 San Francisco/Moscow Teleport Net: "ewexchange" At: Mr. Simon Furman, General Manager of East/West Exchange * * * San Francisco/ Moscow TELEPORT: 3278 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 Tel. (415) 931-8500 telex: 9103804097 TELEPORT fax: 415/931-2885; sfmt: "jschatz" At: Joel Schatz, President, Chairman of the Board ************************************************************ The International Computer Club was established in Moscow at the December of last year as an international non-governmental organization and to function on an independent basis, now start to create structure of the Club. In ICC now works about 15 different Sections such as: Sections for Telecommunications, Computer Educations, Computer Games, CAD/CAM, Computers and Knowledge, Computers in Medicine, Computers in Agriculture and so on. For current moment Club have as a members and co-founders about 2000 different Soviet organizations, firms, cooperatives, enterprises, all Soviet major Banks as a co-founders and also different foreign companies and firms from all of the world. The main idea of ICC Sections, covering all of the directions in the Soviet developing economic, governed by the principles proclaimed in the United Nations Charter,desirous under the motto "Informatique at the Service of International Dialogue", to: - create conditions for further social progress, strengthen peace and mutually understanding through uniting the efforts of organizations and individuals of different countries in expanding and deepening the international ties, mutually information and trust in modern computer and communication technologies, - develop international ties between different countries on the basis of tapping the potential of modern computer means and communication technologies, - eradicate all forms of information discrimination on any ground, - develop information technologies in economically least developed countries, - widely disseminate basic computer literacy and culture, - introduce computer technology in all areas of human activity, where this is economically feasible and socially relewant, - promote computer knowledge, particularly among modern youth, - introduce principles of computer aesthetics and modes of work with information technologies that are most safe for human health, In connection with this ICC Section for TELEINFORMATIQUE presenting one of the most important Projects: T E L E H U M A N I S M SETTING UP ICC TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE FOR ARMENIA BACKGROUND The Armenian rescue effort requairest international management and coordination with the help of the latest technologies in telecommunications and information processing. It is considered that the effective use of the various resources shipped to Armenia from all over the world becomes more and more dependent upon the parallel flow of information and the monitoring of the situation. The Armenian Government is faced with the tremendous task of collecting and processing information on virtually every aspect of life in stricken areas. It has therefore welcomed the proposal of the International Computer Club to share this burden by undertaking a number of definite projects including the provision of International Telecommunication services. All these projects are being implemented in close cooperation with the Armenian Government and the Computing Center of the Planning Agency of Armenia. Setting up of the ICC Telecommunication Service for Armenia is of the primary importance and is looked at as an essential condition for networking stand-alone data banks is system which will be able to give a clear picture of the situation. The reliability of this system linking Armenia through ICC-Moscow to the whole world, as an international crisis management tool, has to be total. All the population of the Global Village will benefit from it because it is high time that the Global Village has got such a tool, tested and ready. The ICC appeals to the citizens of the Global Village to contribute intellectually to the concept of such a system. For these purposes ICC announces a series of international meetings to be convened by ICC with a view of elaborating the concept of the telecommunication service that would be most appropriate under the situation and specifying steps and resources necessary for its practical implementation. ICC hopes to bring together at these meetings computer specialists from the USSR and other countries as well as representatives of Armenia and the Armenian community abroad. ICC hereby extends an open invitation to computer companies, governmental and non-governmental organizations, individual scholars and specialists to take part in the proposed meetings. For immediate personal invitation and travel details please contact ICC Headquarters in Moscow through San Francisco TELEPORT E-mail system on "icc" , telex 411630 Znanie, telephone 921-09-02. The first meeting will take place in Moscow for two days from the 28th of February till the 1st of March 1989. The second meeting is planned in San Francisco between 15th and 20th of March 1989 where at this time will be the delegation of the USSR National Center for Automated Data Exchanges which is a member of the ICC and which ICC has specially requested to represent its interests in this matter. This delegation in the United States may be contacted through the Innovation Computer Corporation in Boston and SFMT in San Francisco. The main Telecommunication Conference will be called from April, 3 to April, 8 in Moscow. To arrange for a meeting beforehand please contact the Organizing Committee through SFMT E-Mail system: Oleg Smirnov - Chairman, Director of the NCADE, "osmirnov"; Vladimir Serdiuk - Deputy of Chairman and software, "vserdiuk"; Alexander Ostapenko - hardware, "vserdiuk" Veter Teremetsky - lines, modems and coordination, "veter" Valerie Maister - USA Department and ICC Board of Directors, "icc" Joel Schatz - San Francisco/Moscow Teleport, President, "jschatz" Simon Furman - ICC Representative in USA, General Manager, "ewexchange" John Draper - Programmers and Volunteers, "prognetussr". Alexander Treskin - Press Agency "NEWS", coordinator of Section for Teleinformatique, "salex" PURPOSES of the serial of international conferences and consultations in ICC. Start to initialize the International Project - "TELEHUMANIZM" and the creation of computer network complex for Armenia is to establish efficient control of the precesses of forming and implementation economic and social programs of rehabilitating areas damaged as a result of earthquake disaster. TASKS - discussing the concept of establishing computer communication lines among Armenia and foreign Armenian Relief Societies; - determining the principles of creating republican computer communicational Armenian infrastructure for enabling the coordination among the regional organizations participants of the international charitable foundations; - discusing the technical details of developing new communication technologies for Armenia (pack-radio connection, satellite connection, modems, intellectual interfaces of the information processing); - working out recommendations of of using the Armenian language in communicating through computer networks and in teaching Armenian language with the help of new information technologies. - the determinative of the economic structural legislative grounds of the international cooperation within the framework of "TELEHUMANISM" Project. PARTICIPANTS (from Soviet side): International Computer Club, Moscow co-founders: All-Union Society "ZNANIE" APN (Press Agency "News") Main Computing Center of the Ministry for Railway Stations, and Members: National Center for Automated Data Exchanges, Moscow Cooperative "INFOTEL", Moscow International Center for Science and Technical Information, Moscow Main Computing Center of Ministry for Civil Aviation of the USSR, Secretariat of SEV (Mutually Aid Economic Council) Institute of Mathematic And also: Constant Representation of Armenia Government in Government of the USSR, Moscow Initiative youth science-technical group "POISK" (SEARCH), Moscow-Yerevan, Armenia Government, Yerevan AEROFLOT, Central Committee of Komsomol of Armenia, Yerevan, Main Computing Center of State Planing Commission of Armenia Ministry for Civil Aviation of the USSR ICC Board of Directors, Organizing Committee, and Armenia Government will be very appreciate if you will resent this NetNews to all of the possible recipients. ====================== John Draper here: The text above was prepared in Moscow, and sent to me over the Teleport for those that might be interested. Please don't flame me for the poor English, it was probably written by someone who doesn't know ALL the words in English, and probably used a Russian-English dictionary. If anyone is interested in contacting them, please Email to me the name of the Soviet organization and the person, and I'll pass it on to them. What I usually do, is to wait about 2 weeks for all the inquiries to come in, collect them all, and if the file is LESS than about 32K, I'll send it as I recieve it, minus the UseNet header. If I get MORE than 32k, I'll try and condense it. Please indicate your organizations name and address, why you want to communicate with them, and what you can do for them. Keep your message down to a paragraph, but please indicate which portion of your message you want sent. I usually snip off the UseNet headers, they are meaningless to the Soviets, and take up valuable space. Mail inquireys to: uunet!acad!well!crunch John Draper Programmers Network.