[comp.misc] MIPS Magazine

tbetz@dasys1.UUCP (Tom Betz) (02/28/89)

MIPS Magazine
I just received the premiere issue of a new magazine, and I'd
like to recommend it to all those who miss the old Byte and it's
focus on small, state-of-the-art computing.
MIPS was created 'to help readers evaluate new alternatives in
high-performance personal systems, principally 80386 systems and
their challengers, including engineering workstations and the
Macintosh II.'  It seems as though it might do a pretty good job
of this. I particularly like their approach to benchmarking
tests, which can be very revealing in simulation of
real-world-type situations.
The premiere issue features a look at the Everex Step/33 (a 33
MHz 80386 machine), Silicon Graphics' Personal IRIS, the Definicon
SP-ARC1 AT SPARC board, the Macintosh SE/30, and a comparison of 
the various Unixen available for the 80386.  Columnists include 
David Betz (no relation, author of XLISP) on programming; A.G.W. 
Cameron on Engineering and Scientific applications (with a first column
discussing the Sun 386i);  Peter Varhol on business applications;
and David L. Peltz on graphics.
It's a slim volume, but full of good information... IMHO, it's
worth a look.  I plan to subscribe.  Next month: a hands-on
evaluation of the NeXT, comparative reviews of >100MB hard disks
and high-throughput interfaces, and a comparison of multitasking
features in Unix, OS/2, extended DOS, Multifinder and VMS.
Available from MIPS Publishing, PO Box 54024, Boulder, CO
80322-4204 - Subscriptions are $19.94/year.
     "Still I sing bonny boys, bonny mad boys, 	     | Tom Betz, 114 Woodworth 
            Bedlam boys are bonny,		     | Yonkers, NY 10701-2509
   For they all go bare, and they live by the air,   |     (914) 375-1510
 And they want nor drink nor money." - Steeleye Span |    tbetz@dasys1.UUCP