(Alexios Zavras) (03/14/89)
Hi there!
I'm considering buing a Lisa 2 (the model that was also called Mac XL).
Could someone inform me on the compatibility of this machine to other Macs ?
I've worked on one before (or was it a Lisa-1? I can't remember), and I only
remember that the screen (the pixels, actually) were non-square (gave a funny
look at circles :-). I didn't do any system-specific programming back then, so
I don't know any differences. So I'd like any info on:
(1) Do Mac (1, SE, II, etc.) programs run on Lisa-2 ?
(2) Is programming it much different ?
Please MAIL rather than post, I can't keep up with these newsgroups,
Thanx for any info,
-- zvr -
+-----------------------+ Alexios Zavras (-zvr-)
| Life is once, forever |
+-----------------H C-B-+