(Bill Newman) (04/04/89)
Our lab group has apparently been offered some old (?) terminals that I can't find in the HP catalog; I haven't found a Tektronix catalog yet. ("How can you tell a theoretical physical chemist from an experimental physical chemist?":-) The terminals are in another state, so we can't just go look to see which ones we want. I am looking for information like "The Tek 4010 is an *old* storage-tube graphics terminal; I used it in a computer lab in 6th grade. The storage-tube screen means that it can't erase specific elements or scroll; you just draw on it until you decide to erase it, like an Etch-a-Sketch. It's so old that maintenance would probably be a major headache, but at least you wouldn't have to worry about converting programs to run on it, because the Tek 4010 command set lives on in a thousand graphics emulators and applilcations programs." (But we need to decide soon, probably by the end of the week, so a prompt sentence is more to the point than a late, great study of these developments in computer hardware.) Thanks for any help, Bill Newman