[comp.misc] 4560 Microterm terminal problem

larry@merlin.cvs.rochester.edu (Lawrence Snyder) (05/21/89)

I'm unable to get my 4560 microterm terminal to print through the
auxillary port.  I've got an epson fx85 and a c itoh 8510b.
My NDS works just fine with either printer.
I've tried two 4560's: one with firmware version 2.5 and one with v 2.1.

The 'Printer:ready' message is displayed on the setup menu.
Baud rates, parity and stop bits are set as on the NDS terminal.
After hitting 'printscreen' there is a brief pause, as if something
is being transmitted, but neither terminal responds at all.

Please email; if I get lots of mail, i'll summarize to comp.misc.
