[comp.misc] Rings

ski@computing-maths.cardiff.ac.uk (S I Khokar) (06/21/89)

A recent survey of rings lead to the interesting point of US high school and
college rings.  A custom not common here.  
I was told that there is often loads of publications - brochures, leaflets
etc that are circulated by the ring companies prior to the sales.

I wonder if anyone has any of this information that they would be willing to 
pass on?    Or you may have brothers, sisters or friends that are at the
right time in their high school or college careers to have this kind of 
information.   Alternatively someone may know the address of one or more of the ring companies concerned.

Any help much appreciated.

(ski@v1.cm.cf.ac.uk  OR  ski@cf-cm.uucp)