[comp.misc] UPS recommendations wanted

mikek@fred.colorado.edu (Mike Kranzdorf) (08/21/89)

I'm looking for suggestions for an Uninterruptable Power System (UPS)
for my Mac system.  I have a Mac II, 13" color, one internal (150M) and one
external hard drive (600M), a Teac 150M tape, and will probably add
another monitor and an NTSC output card.  For this I figure I need
800 - 1kVA.  I would appreciate any comments on this figure as well
as recommendations for brand names.
  I don't have big power problems,
so I expect to get a standby system.  Is real sine wave output important?
Do any come with good surge suppressors and/or noise filters?  Do these
wear out and can they be replaced?  Any great or terrible encounters with
units and/or companies?  
	Please email and I'll sift and post a summary.  Thanks much!

--mikek		Mike Kranzdorf

mikek@boulder.colorado.edu	AppleLink: D3060