[comp.misc] Which IBM compat ?

ra1d+@andrew.cmu.edu (Robert L. Armitage) (10/09/89)

Hi! I'm new to this group so I hope this hasn't already been thrashed out...
Do any of you netlanders out there have a preference for one brand of IBM
compatable over the other? Prices seen to vary wildly! I was wondering
just how "compatable" they really were - and what about reliability -
and service?
I'm looking specifically (Sp?) for an XT clone with 640K and AT LEAST 2
floppys - maybe 1 floppy & 20 meg HD if $$$ will allow. Color monitors are
too damn expen$ive for now. Please mail comments/suggestions/flames/money to:

Rob Armitage                        Bill the Cat _   /\
Carnegie Mellon University                 Aack! \'o.O'
<RA1D+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU>                           =(___)=
Remember: More people are caused                    U
by accidents then killed by them.                   *  Phht!

Thanks to all !
