6014_5371@uwovax.uwo.ca (10/28/89)
I have just begun using PLOT88 Software Library by PLOTWORKS to call graphing routines from my Microsoft Fortran 4.1 compiled programs. Supposedly, PLOT88 is compatible with monochrome Hercules Graphics card, provided the right ioport and model (93, 93) are specified when initializing PLOT88 from the fortran program. Well, I tried calling PLOTS(0, 93, 93), and all I ended up with was a screen full of garbage (i.e. similar to typing a .COM file). I also tried several different ioports and models with the same results. I would sincerely appreciate advice from anyone familiar with PLOT88 about what I might try to remedy my problem. Mike. ----------------------------- Mike Cyze UNIVERSE OF WESTERN ONTARIO Department of Geophysics "The Universe is not only stranger than we imagine; it is stranger than we can imagine" -J.B.S. Haldane -----------------------------