[comp.misc] Non-volatile Memory

pwasilko@rodan.acs.syr.edu (Wasilko) (11/12/89)

	Query: What is the current state of the art in non-volatile solid
state memory technology?

	The most recent material in our library is of 1985 vintage with
references to 512K bubble memory chips, 128K removable bubble memory
cartridges, and some hints at associative memories, direct editing, and 
high speed search capabilities becoming available on the bubble chips 
themselves.  How do the speeds of current bubble systems compare with other 
storage media like floppies or hard-drives?

	I also recall fleeting references back around '87 to some experimental
non-volatile RAM chips I think based on a miniaturized version of the original
ferrite core memories of the original mainframes.

	Another blurb that comes to mind was about a system using credit card
sized plastic wafers as an optical storage medium.  Not quite non- volatile
ram, but suitable for a system boot drive perhaps.

	At any rate I'd love to see a thread develop on solid state
non-volatile memory or on any novel high capacity storage technologies.

Peter J. Wasilko             	|  "I'm not stupid, I'm not expendable,
Syracuse Law '91             	|         and I'm not going...." 
JWasilko@Sunrise.Acs.Syr.Edu 	|                               --- Avon