[comp.misc] Cap Question

sean@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Sean P. Nolan) (11/17/89)

Hi ho...

This has been discussed pretty recently here, but I tried searching backwards
on every string I could think of, all to no avail.

I have reason to suspect that the culprit behind a flaky Mac 512K monitor is
a simple 3.9uF, 25V, non-polarized cap. However, I can't find one to match
these specs exactly. Thus...

* The specific question: can I replace this particular part with a 4uF, 50V,
  non-polarized cap?

* The general question: what are general guidelines for valid replacements?
  I'm sure it depends on application, but are there any rules of thumb?

Email would be great; no reason to clutter up the net with repetitive stuff.

--- Sean

| Sean P. Nolan     | Net: Sean_Nolan@Mac.Dartmouth.EDU |  "Let's face it:   |
| Dartmouth College |                                   |   IBM is no fun."  |
| Hinman Box 2658   |            SCALP 'EM!             |     ::::::::::     |
| Hanover, NH 03755 |                                   |   John C. Dvorak   |