[comp.misc] Who will buy the NeXT

emv@math.lsa.umich.edu (Edward Vielmetti) (12/02/89)

In article <1989Dec1.232137.11584@ddsw1.MCS.COM> karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM (Karl Denninger) writes:

   One of the things that REALLY pisses off a dealer is when the local college
   sells 3,000 machines BELOW THE DEALER'S COST to students -- and the dealer
   gets stuck supporting those units.  Some of those, inevitably, find their
   way into the grey market and outside of the university.

   The result of this?  Ask the dealers in Ann Arbor, MI.  More than a couple 
   have gone out of business in the last couple of years due to the U of M's
   "Truckload sales".  Happens every year.

   This is not good folks.  Remember, this isn't like signing a dealer on
   -- the universities are literally opening up the backs of Semi
   Trailers and selling the machines off the loading docks!  Support and
   service?  That's for the local dealers to provide (free, of course,
   since the system does come with a warranty!)

This topic has been thoroughly hashed out at Michigan in a local
conference, with participation by both U people and some dealers.
Here's some summary of stuff here.  Remember, we're not selling NeXT
machines by the truckload (ha! we're barely selling any at all!) --
these systems are Macs, Zeniths, and IBMs.

When you purchase $6.3 million and sell it in a weekend you hope to
get a pretty reasonable volume discount.  Probably a better volume
discount than a typical dealer order.  You should also expect some
nice treatment from the vendor and some extra work on their part.
I seriously doubt whether the dealers in this town could push that
much gear in a weekend without some help from the University (let's be
real folks, not a chance).  The Engineering School gets similar
purchasing power by doing outrageous things like buying 760MB SCSI
drives by the gross.   

You've got to remember in a competetive market there are companies
that make it and companies that lose.  I would expect a few computer
dealers to go belly up every year in this town, and a few others to
take their place.  The U doesn't sell every imaginable computer
peripheral, piece of software, cable, modem, floppy disk etc etc.

Here's the income statement from Computer Kickoff '88.  Note the
$81,000 figure as "dealer payments" -- several dealers that
participate in this $6.7 million dollar sale get compensated for their
effort to the tune of about 1% of net sales, or about 20% of gross
  Nov30/89 18:55
  902:157) Tom Diroff: 
   computer kickoff 88 income statement 
   net sales (less sales tax)                                6765602.35 
   less cost of goods sold                                   6364997.59 
   gross income                                               400604.76 
   operating expenses 
   dealer sto payments               81000.00 
   crc support fees                  50000.00 
   itd salary & fringe benefits      50000.00 
   hardware                          13851.98 
   food&beverage                      6837.58 
   advertising                        4842.16 
   space rental & renovation          1946.40 
   security                           1446.25 
   supplies, carts                    1284.57 
   itsc setup fees                    1250.00 
   total itd operating exp                    212458.94 
   p&cs order processing                       43298.50 
   stores event planning             16500.00 
   stores material handling          16110.00 
   stores material reconciliation     5000.00 
   stores after sale pickup           2350.00 
   stores system support              5584.00 
   stores order processing            2811.50 
   incremental event labor            2671.00 
   Mac technics fees                  2500.00 
   printing                          19158.89 
   postage                            5327.28 
   coliseum rental                    9875.86 
   coliseum renovation                1138.19 
   euipment rental                    2096.89 
   dsc chrges                         1925.94 
   supplies                           1923.00 
  - - - - -
  Nov30/89 18:55
  902:158) Tom Diroff: 
   trash removal                      1240.00 
   high low rental                     997.50 
   phone service                       843.47 
   insurance                           700.00 
   space rental                        135.00 
   total stores                                98889.36 
   total operating expenses                                      354646.80 
   net gain                                                       45957.96 
  - - - - -
  Nov30/89 22:57
  902:159) Charlie Clark: Thanks for entering this Tom.  Do you think that this
   shows that the U does make full cost recovery on this sale, or doesn't (ie
   are there more than 46k of unrecovered costs to be found?)