[comp.misc] Looking for a working IMSAI 8080

loughry@tramp.Colorado.EDU (J. Loughry) (01/05/90)

 OOO nce upon a time, REAL computers had lots of little lights and switches
 on them, and you had to toggle in the boot loader (in binary) before the
 silly thing would DO anything.

 Does anyone on the net still have one of these old dinosaurs around?  Maybe
 taking up entirely too much room in your basement?  Collecting dust and
 spiderwebs?  I sure wish I could see my first computer again (it belonged to
 my junior high school), and write simple programs in binary once more.

 All I want is the mainframe, with the processor, front panel, a few thousand
 bytes of ram and maybe an I/O board.  (I already have a teletype, thanks.)
 What would one be worth, aside from sentimental value?  A grad student can't
 afford much, but still...I don't even know what it would cost to ship one
 here (Seattle).

 Anyone remember the old days?

 Joe Loughry					    loughry@tramp.colorado.edu