[comp.misc] Enterprise 64

cbuckley@vax1.tcd.ie (Colm Buckley) (02/02/90)

I'm posting to see if anybody can help me with a problem. Recently, I bought a
second-hand Enterprise 64 computer (remember them? about 1983-5, I think) to
add to my collection of ancient 8-bitters. On the back of this computer is a
UHF TV output socket, and another socket marked "monitor". The latter is an
edge connector with 5 tracks. I am at present using it with a TV, but, as I
have a couple of analogue RGB monitors "lying around" - I wonder if anybody can
tell me the spec. of the Enterprise's monitor port, and can it be connected to
an Amstrad CTM640 monitor - the "free" monitor which came with the CPC464
(another 8-bitter, for those who've ignored the home micro market for the last
6 years!) - I think the connections on the Enterprise might just be
R, G, B, Sync and GND, but I'm not sure. Is there a "Reference Manual"
available for the E64? Is there a user-group. I know Enterprise itself is long
gone, but there must be some users out there who can help me..

Thanks (in hope and anticipation)


| Colm Buckley. (Computer Science, Trinity College, Dublin)       |
|                                                                 |
| EMAIL      : cbuckley@vax1.tcd.ie                               |
| Phone      : Dublin 770101                                      |
    |           "I'm a lean, mean computing machine!"         |
    |                       (sometimes)                       |