tlanders@sequent.UUCP (Troy Landers) (02/20/90)
I need help building a cable to connect a non-standard serial port on a Tandy DMP-132 printer to the 9-pin serial port on an HP700/44 terminal. Both have RS-232C serial ports, the Tandy's is just funny shaped (a 4-pin DIN connector--made for the Tandy Color Computer). I am having trouble getting them to "shake hands". The pin charts for the two ports are as follows: TANDY DMP-132 Port is set at 600 baud, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, no parity, and 2 stop bits. (Baud rate is adjustable between 600, 1200, and 1400, everyting else is fixed.) Pin # rs232 Pin Name (Tandy's) ---- --------- -------------- 1 - not used 2 DTR Status 3 SGND Ground 4 RXD Data A word about pin 2: In the schematic, it is labeled DTR. The timing chart shows that it is asserted when the printer is ready for data and de-asserted when the printer is "busy". HP700/44 Terminal Port is set at 600 baud, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, no parity, and 2 stop bits. (All settings are re-configurable.) Pin # rs232 Pin Name (HPs) ---- --------- -------------- 1 PGND Frame Ground 2 TXD Transmit Data 3 RXD Receive Data 4 RTS Request To Send 5 DTR Data Terminal Ready 6 DSR Data Set Ready 7 SGND Signal Ground 8 - not used 9 - not used I have already tried the following configurations: Printer Pin <--> Terminal Pin Result ----------- ------------ ------ DTR (pin 2) disconnected SGND (pin 3) SGND (pin 7) RXD (pin 4) RXD (pin 3) Absolutely Nothing Printer Pin <--> Terminal Pin Result ----------- ------------ ------ DTR (pin 2) disconnected SGND (pin 3) SGND (pin 7) RXD (pin 4) TXD (pin 3) The correct characters came out of the printer, but only if I typed through VERY slowly. If the printer received data too fast (anything faster than my typing), it "lost" the first half of the line. I suspect that the printer has a buffer which can only be written to when the printer is not printing. When it receives a CR, it prints the buffer, ignoring all in-comming data while it is printing, thereby losing the first half of the line. The status pin (DTR, pin 3) must be used to stop the in-comming data long enough for the printer to print the data. With this in mind, I set about connecting the printer's status pin (DTR, pin 2) to the remaining pins to see if anything helped. Nothing did. Since the HP700/44 does not carry the CTS pin on this port, I wonder if this is the one I need. Please help me to get these ports to shake hands. Thanks. Please respond via email, I will post the responses. Troy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Troy Landers Sequent Computer Systems Inc. UUCP: ...!sequent!tlanders 15450 S.W. Koll Parkway Phone: (503) 626-5700 x4491 Beaverton, Oregon 97006-6063 *** My opinions are precisely that! ***