[comp.misc] PDC'90

anamioka@bcsaic.UUCP (Aki Namioka) (02/22/90)

University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
Saturday and Sunday
March 31 - April 1, 1990

Sponsor: Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility Workplace Project

By failing to utilize the experience and knowledge of workers, traditional
approaches to computer system design fail to meet workplace needs. 
Participatory design stresses direct user involvement throughout the 
design and implementation of a system.  It has been applied successfully
in Western Europe, but is less well known in the United States.  To
promote greater understanding of participatory design, CPSR is sponsoring
PDC'90, a conference that will bring togethere researchers, system 
designers, and users to explore the topic through talks and workshoprs.

The first day will consist of invited talks on the following topics:
     - Overview of participatory design 
            (Christiane Floyd, Technical University, Berlin)
     - Hazards of omitting user involvement
            (Karen Nussbaum, National Dirctor, 9to5)
     - Constraints in Product Development Organizations
            (Jonathan Grudin, MCC)
     - Experiences in participatory design 
            (K. Thoresen and T. Bermann, Norway)
     - Strategies and tools 
            (Pelle Ehn, Aarhus University, Denmark)
     - Panel: Applying the European approach in the U.S. 
            (Lucy Suchman, Xerox PARC)

The second day will consist of half-day workshops and a closing plenary.

To register, or for further information, please write to the address below:
or call Paul Czyzewski at (415)967-7079 or Jeff Johnson at (415)857-7661

     CPSR Workplace Project             Full registration     $55
     P.O. Box 717                       CPSR members          $45
     Palo Alto, Ca. 94302               Student/Low income    $15
     cpsr-workplace@csli.stanford.edu   Proceedings only      $15

Seattle contact: Leave message for Doug Schuler at (206)634-2771

Co-sponsored by: Seattle University Software Engineering Department and
     University of Washington Computer Science and Engineering Department

                         PDC'90 REGISTRATION FORM

Registration Fee: $55 ____             CPSR Member: $45  ____

Student/Low income: $15 ____           Proceedings Only: $15 ____

Lunch: $10 ____

Name: ____________________________________     Mail to: CPSR Workplace Project
                                                        P.O. Box 717
Address: _________________________________              Palo Alto, Ca. 94302

         _________________________________     Fee enclosed: $____

                     CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY, PLEASE