[comp.misc] Acorn Micros in North America?

kiwi@motto.UUCP (Kyle) (03/22/90)

This is the umpteenth time trying to post this damn article so
I hope it finally gets through :

Well, this may seem like an odd posting for North America, but after
reading a recent posting on the sinclair QL (ho ho ho he he he) I
thought it may be an idea to post a similar question of my own.
Are there any Acorn users in North America? Especially in the Toronto
region? I am a long time BBC micro freak and I am now wondering
if there are any people here who use this neat little beast.
If there are, could you mail me at kiwi@motto.uucp? I am curious to
see if there are any Beeb/Arch freaks like me around. Also, does
anybody know where I can get hold of Acorn micros here in North America
or again, more specifically, Toronto? 
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
kiwi@motto.UUCP	| Motorola Communications, North York, Ontario.