xxremak@csduts1.lerc.nasa.gov (David A. Remaklus) (04/12/90)
I am looking for references to work being done in three areas for a research program being conducted at the NASA Lewis Research Center. The first area in which we are interested concerns efforts to develop parallel programming standards for all aspects of shared memory systems. Our primary interests lie in efforts directed at FORTRAN, although work being directed at other languages, like C and object oriented languages, is also of interest. The second area in which we are interested concerns efforts to develop intelligent compilers and front-ends such that the shared memory programming model can be mapped onto distributed memory architecture machines. Lastly, we are interested in efforts directed towards the development of automatic and interactive parallization tools. Please e-mail responses to: xxremak@csduts1.lerc.nasa.gov I will post a summary of the results if there is sufficient interest. Thanks very much in advance. --- David A. Remaklus NASA Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio 44135 xxremak@csduts1.lerc.nasa.gov -- David A. Remaklus NASA Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio 44135 xxremak@csduts1.lerc.nasa.gov