[comp.misc] comp.dcom.fax

eli@pws.bull.com (Steve Elias) (08/01/90)

 ralphs@halcyon.wa.com (Ralph Sims) writes:
>eli@pws.bull.com (Steve Elias) writes:
>> due to an absolutely underwhelming response to the call for discussion
>> for comp.dcom.fax, i'm not going to issue a call for votes.
>'tis a shame.  I thought it was an inspired idea.  I haven't seen any
>discussion in alt.fax, however, so I wonder if your messages got

thanks for the support.  

i'll try passing on this idea to a friend of mine who has a
home system.  he's far more organized than i, and perhaps he'll 
issue a call for votes, or restart the "official usenet process".
yes, this is "passing the buck"!

another item that made me doubt the efficacy of creating a comp*fax
group is the recent discussion over which gets better propagation, 
alt.* or talk.*...  are there stats which show that comp.* gets 
better propagation than alt.*?  

/*  eli@spdcc.com   617 932 5598   fax 508 294 7556  */