dtroup@carroll1.cc.edu (David C. Troup) (10/13/90)
Iv'e got an AMPEX 230+ terminal with some small problems. On the AUX
and main line, I can send data, but I cant get any incoming data to my
screen. Is there a setting that I have wrong on the terminal? (I dont
have the manual, so dont suggest RTFM).
Im sending data to the terminal, but is doesnt seem to put it on the
screen. All commands typed through the terminal to, say, a modem, work
any ideas?
(please respond to dtroup@carroll1.cc.edu) thanks!
David C. Troup |"Im going to work at an office
dtroup@carroll1.cc.edu | that has no phone, and
| returning home with sandy
The Surf Rat - DC 12 on Neil Pryde and Seatrend | feet."