[comp.misc] How do I set up a bulletin board?

herrickd@iccgcc.decnet.ab.com (11/16/90)

We are a community of about a thousand people scattered around
the US (a few outside) who have reason to share ideas and
brainstorm together.  An obvious application for a computer
bulletin board system.  I am a neophyte in the area.

I have a computer with reasonable disk resources, msdos, may
have a 1200 baud modem.

How do I find out:

  a)  What bulletin board software makes the most sense?  Where
      do I get it?

  b)  Details like what kind of modem makes sense now.  My maybe
      is a five year old Qbie that may no longer have a manual.

  c)  Should this have been posted somewhere else?

Do I have to shut the board down to use the computer? (I know, silly
question for an msdos user to ask - is there a cheap way to get
enough Unix on this 386 to let it do two things at once?)

dan herrick
dlh Performance Marketing
POBox 1419
Mentor, Ohio  44061