[comp.misc] emacs & Dvorak

hardaker@iris.UCDavis.EDU (Wes Hardaker) (11/27/90)

To start up the Dvorak discussion once again, concering emacs and
Dvorak...  Does anyone have a correctly working copy of
Dvorak.el/qwert.el that switches the keymap to dvorak and back again. 
The copy I have is incomplete (though I patched it up), but I can't ever
switch BACK to qwert.  The function doesn't work...  Help!?

							       / ___ \
Wes Hardaker					       	      / /   \/
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science    \--/     /\
University of California at Davis	 __________________   \/     /--\
(hardaker@iris.ucdavis.edu)             /     Recycle      \    /\___/ /
                                       / It's not too late! \   \_____/