[comp.misc] HELP : looking for a good program name

kdr@doc.ic.ac.uk (K D Rigotti) (11/29/90)

My final year project is a distributed whotsit that looks after your diary,
arranges meetings with other people's whotsits, tells you when your whotsit
has a meeting booked that you are going to be late for if you don't shift
yourself .... etc,etc. It's basically a diary manager but just for the hell of
it it has no centrally stored data or any central control so does everything
by message passing and distributed searching type stuff ...

... thats the background. Now, what do I call it? I've been trying to find the
name of a god of timekeeping or something along that line but nothing
appropriate has popped up.

Does anyone know of a god/titan/etc that got split up for any reason?

Any suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in advance
[email replies will be acknowledged if UK but I can't mail abroad :-( ]

"Information makes the world go around, money just oils the bearings"

sjl@doc.ic.ac.uk (Steve J Lacey) (11/30/90)

In article <KDR.90Nov29151742@flamingo.doc.ic.ac.uk> kdr@doc.ic.ac.uk (K D Rigotti) writes:

kdr> My final year project is a distributed whotsit that looks after your diary,
kdr> arranges meetings with other people's whotsits, tells you when your whotsit
kdr> has a meeting booked that you are going to be late for if you don't shift
kdr> yourself .... etc,etc. It's basically a diary manager but just for the hell of
kdr> it it has no centrally stored data or any central control so does everything
kdr> by message passing and distributed searching type stuff ...

kdr> ... thats the background. Now, what do I call it? I've been trying to find the
kdr> name of a god of timekeeping or something along that line but nothing
kdr> appropriate has popped up.

How about Chronos ?

kdr> Kevin

Steve J Lacey, Systems Group.      (In my opinion, my opinions are just that.)
Department of Computing, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine,
180 Queen's Gate, London SW7. Phone : 071 589 5111 x5085, Fax : 071 581 8024 
Email : sjl@doc.ic.ac.uk, ..!ukc!icdoc!sjl, sjl@athena.mit.edu

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