[comp.misc] Call for papers accessible by anonymous FTP

bcn@cs.washington.edu (Clifford Neuman) (01/31/91)

I am compiling a directory of papers that are accessible over the
internet by anonymous FTP.  The job of maintaining this list will fall
on the individual authors.  In particular, authors that want their
papers included in the list will maintain a directory of their own
papers, and that directory will be referenced by the directory I

Benefits to authors are that their papers will be more readily
available, thereby increasing their exposure.  Benefits to others will
be the ease with which they will be able to find a copy of a
particular paper if it is available electronically.

The directory can be accessed over the network using the Prospero
directory service.  Prospero allows users to move from directory to
directory in the same manner they would move around their local file
system.  Once a file of interest has been found, a single command will
retrieve it.

Those interested in having papers added to this directory or those
interested in using it should send a message to:


Please distribute this message as widely as possible.
Especially to any appropriate local mailing lists.