[comp.misc] NEW LIST: LN list - Computational Linguistics

Dan_Jacobson@ATT.COM (02/07/91)

[being ever so helpful, I'm forwarding this -Dan J.]

Sender:       NEW-LIST - New List Announcements <NEW-LIST@VM1.NoDak.EDU>
From:         Jean Veronis <VERONIS%VASSAR.BITNET@VM1.NoDak.EDU>
Subject:      NEW LIST: LN list - Computational Linguistics
To:           Multiple recipients of list NEW-LIST <NEW-LIST@NDSUVM1>

LN on LISTSERV@FRMOP11.Bitnet  Computational Linguistics

   Bulletin Electronique LN              LN Electronic List

   Le bulletin electronique LN a pour    LN is an international electronic
   but de favoriser la circulation       distribution list for computa-
   d'informations a travers la commu-    tional linguists. Its goal is to
   naute "Informatique Linguistique":    disseminate calls for papers, con-
   appels a communication, annonces      ference and seminar announcements,
   de conferences ou seminaires,         requests for software, corpora,
   requetes specifiques concernant       and various data, project descrip-
   logiciels, corpus et donnees          tions, discussions on technical
   diverses, descriptions d'activites    topics, etc. The list is primarily
   et de projets, discussions sur des    French-speaking, but many items
   sujets techniques, etc. Le bulle-     are circulated in English. It pro-
   tin est principalement franco-        vides a forum for scholars working
   phone, mais de nombreuses informa-    on French, but it is by no means
   tions sont retransmises sous leur     restricted to this field.
   forme originale en anglais. Il
   constitue un forum pour les cher-     The list is sponsored by the Asso-
   cheurs travaillant sur le Francais    ciation for Computational Linguis-
   mais n'est en aucun cas restreint     tics (ACL) and the Association for
   a ce seul champ d'etude.              Computers and the Humanities
                                         (ACH). This joint sponsorship
   Le bulletin est parraine par          reflects the fact that in addition
   l'Association for Computational       to more traditional concerns, compu-
   Linguistics (ACL) et l'Association    tational linguists have a growing
   for Computers and the Humanities      interest in areas such as computa-
   (ACH). Ce double parrainage           tional lexicography, study and use
   reflete l'interet croissant des       of corpora, statistical models,
   linguistes informaticiens pour, a     etc., which have been tradition-
   cote de domaines plus tradition-      ally central to ACH.
   nels, des domaines tels que la
   lexicographie informatique, l'etude   Currently the list consists
   et l'utilisation de corpus, les       of about 400 members in 25
   modeles statistiques, etc., qui       countries. It is moderated by
   sont depuis longtemps centraux dans   Jean Veronis (GRTC-CNRS, France)
   l'ACH.                                and Pierre Zweigenbaum (DIAM-INSERM,
   Le bulletin comporte a l'heure
   actuelle pres de 400 abonnes dans                     ---
   25 pays. Il est edite par Jean        To join LN, send a message to
   Veronis (GRTC-CNRS, France) et        LISTSERV@FRMOP11.BITNET, contain-
   Pierre Zweigenbaum (DIAM-INSERM,      ing only the following line:
                                         SUBSCRIBE LN your name
   Vous pouvez vous abonner au           Send messages to be transmitted on
   bulletin en envoyant un message       the list to LN@FRMOP11.BITNET.
   compose de la seule ligne suivante
   a LISTSERV@FRMOP11.BITNET:            In case of problems, send a mes-
                                         sage to one of the editors:
   SUBSCRIBE LN Prenom Nom
                                         Jean Veronis
   Vous pouvez transmettre des           VERONIS@VASSAR.BITNET
   informations pour diffusion dans
   le bulletin en envoyant un message    Pierre Zweigenbaum
   a LN@FRMOP11.BITNET.                  ZWEIG@FRSIM51.BITNET

   En cas de probleme, adressez-vous
   directement aux editeurs:

   Jean Veronis

   Pierre Zweigenbaum

Dan_Jacobson@ATT.COM  Naperville IL USA  +1 708-979-6364