[comp.misc] Flog thanks

stanger@otago.ac.nz (Nigel Stanger) (03/07/91)

To all those people who've sent me a copy of "flog" (and several
others besides!), thanks!! My mailbox is full of flogs...


* "If I had a quote, I'd be wearing it."  *  Internet: stanger@otago.ac.nz     *
*       -- Dylan Thomas (I think)         *  SnailMail: Information Science,   *
*                                         *             University of Otago,   *
* "Say no MORE!!!"                        *             P.O. Box 56,           *
*       -- Eric Idle                      *             Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND.  *

ed@lvw6.lvw.loral.com (Ed Allen) (03/08/91)

I also received multiple copies.

	Thanks a lot!
Never trust a man who wears white shoes.           | Ed Allen
Vote Libertarian...     Scare the Hell out of 'em. | Loral Command & Contr. Sys.