[comp.misc] The Jargon File v2.8.1, 22 MAR 1991, part 8 of 19

eric@snark.thyrsus.com (Eric S. Raymond) (03/23/91)

Submitted-by: jargon@thyrsus.com
Archive-name: jargon/part08

---- Cut Here and feed the following to sh ----
# this is jargon.08 (part 8 of jargon)
# do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
# file jargon.ascii continued
if test ! -r _shar_seq_.tmp; then
	echo 'Please unpack part 1 first!'
	exit 1
(read Scheck
 if test "$Scheck" != 8; then
	echo Please unpack part "$Scheck" next!
	exit 1
	exit 0
) < _shar_seq_.tmp || exit 1
if test -f _shar_wnt_.tmp; then
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> 'jargon.ascii' &&
X   against changes so it can be released with some hope of stability.
X   Carries the strong implication that the item in question will
X   `unfreeze' at some future date.  "OK, fix that bug and we'll
X   freeze for release."
XFReq: // [FidoNet] Abbreviation for {File Request}.
Xfried: adj. 1. Non-working due to hardware failure; burnt out.
X   Especially used of hardware brought down by a `power glitch'
X   (see {glitch}), {drop-outs}, a short, or other electrical
X   event.  (Sometimes this literally happens to electronic circuits!
X   In particular, resistors can burn out and transformers can melt
X   down, emitting noxious smoke.  However, this term is also used
X   metaphorically.)  Compare {frotzed}.  2. Of people, exhausted.
X   Said particularly of those who continue to work in such a state.
X   Often used as an explanation or excuse.  "Yeah, I know that fix
X   destroyed the file system, but I was fried when I put it in."
Xfriode: /frie'ohdz/ [TMRC] n. A reversible (that is, fused or
X   blown) diodes.  Compare {fried}.
Xfritterware: n. An excess of capability that serves no productive
X   end.  The canonical example is font-diddling software on the Mac
X   (see {macdink}); the term describes anything that eats huge
X   amounts of time for quite marginal gains in function, but seduces
X   people into using it anyway.
Xfrob: /frob/ 1. n. [MIT] The TMRC definition was `FROB = a
X   protruding arm or trunnion', and by metaphoric extension a frob is
X   any random small thing; an object that you can comfortably hold in
X   one hand; something you can frob.  See {frobnitz}.  2. vt.
X   Abbreviated form of {frobnicate}.  3. [from the {MUD} world]
X   A command on some MUDs that changes a player's experience level
X   (this can be used to make wizards); also, to request {wizard}
X   privileges on the `professional courtesy' grounds that one is a
X   wizard elsewhere.
Xfrobnicate: /frob'ni-kayt/ vt. [Poss. derived from {frobnitz}, and
X   usually abbreviated to {frob}, but `frobnicate' is recognized
X   as the official full form.] To manipulate or adjust, to tweak.
X   One frequently frobs bits or other two-state devices.  Thus:
X   "Please frob the light switch."  (that is, flip it), but also
X   "Stop frobbing that clasp; you'll break it."  One also sees the
X   construction `to frob a frob'.  See {tweak} and {twiddle}.
X   Usage: frob, twiddle, and tweak sometimes connote
X   points along a continuum.  `Frob' connotes aimless manipulation;
X   `twiddle' connotes gross manipulation, often a coarse search for
X   a proper setting; `tweak' connotes fine-tuning.  If someone is
X   turning a knob on an oscilloscope, then if he's carefully adjusting
X   it, he is probably tweaking it; if he is just turning it but looking
X   at the screen, he is probably twiddling it; but if he's just doing
X   it because turning a knob is fun, he's frobbing it.  The variant
X   `frobnosticate' has been recently reported.
Xfrobnitz: /frob'nits/, pl. `frobnitzem' (frob'nit-zm) n. An
X   unspecified physical object, a widget.  Also refers to electronic
X   black boxes.  This rare form is usually abbreviated to `frotz',
X   or more commonly to {frob}.  Also used are `frobnule'
X   (/frob'n[y]ool/) and `frobule' (/frob'nool/).  Starting perhaps
X   in 1979, `frobozz' /fruh-boz'/, plural `frobbotzim'
X   /fruh-bot'z*m/ has also become very popular, largely due to its
X   exposure as a name via {Zork}.  These can also be applied to
X   nonphysical objects, such as data structures.
Xfrog: alt. `phrog' 1. interj. Term of disgust (we seem to have
X   a lot of them).  2. Used as a name for just about anything.  See
X   {foo}.  3. n. Of things, a crock.  4. n. Of people, somewhere
X   in between a turkey and a toad.  5. `froggy': adj. Similar to
X   `bagbiting' (see {bagbiter}), but milder.  "This froggy
X   program is taking forever to run!"
Xfront end: n. 1. An intermediary computer that does set-up and
X   filtering for another (usually more powerful but less friendly)
X   machine (a `back end').  2. What you're talking to when you
X   have a conversation with someone who is making replies without
X   paying attention.  "Look at the dancing elephants!"  "Uh-huh."
X   "Do you know what I just said?"  "Sorry, you were talking to the
X   front end." See also {fepped out}.  3. Software which provides
X   an interface to another program `behind' it, which may not be as
X   user-friendly.  Probably from analogy with hardware front-ends (see
X   sense #1) which interfaced with mainframes.
Xfrotz: /frotz/ 1. n. See {frobnitz}.  2. `mumble frotz': An
X   interjection of very mild disgust.
Xfrotzed: /frotzt/ adj. {down} due to hardware problems.  Compare
X   {fried}.  A machine which is merely frotzed may be fixable
X   without replacing parts, but a fried machine is more seriously
X   damaged.
Xfry: 1. vi. To fail.  Said especially of smoke-producing hardware
X   failures.  More generally, to become non-working.  Usage: never
X   said of software, only of hardware and humans.  See {fried}, {magic
X   smoke}.  2. vt. To cause to fail; to {roach}, {toast}, or {hose} a
X   piece of hardware (never used of software or humans).
XFTP: /ef-tee-pee/, *not* /fit'ip/ 1. [techspeak] n. The File
X   Transfer Protocol for transmitting files between systems on the
X   Internet.  2. vt. To {beam} a file using the File Transfer
X   Protocol.  3. Sometimes used as a generic even for file transfers
X   not using {FTP}.  "Lemme get this copy of `Wuthering
X   Heights' ftp'd from uunet."
XFUBAR: n. The Failed UniBus Address Register in the PDP-11
X   emulation part of a VAX.  A good example of how jargon can
X   occasionally be snuck past the {suit}s; see {foobar}.
Xfuck me harder: excl. Sometimes uttered in response to egregious
X   misbehavior, esp. in software, and esp. of those which seem
X   unfairly persistent (as though designed in by the imp of the
X   perverse).  Often theatrically elaborated: "Aiighhh! Fuck me with
X   a piledriver and sixteen feet of curare-tipped wrought-iron fence
X   *and no lubricants!*"  The phrase is sometimes heard
X   abbreviated FMH in polite company.
XFUD: /fuhd/ n. Defined by Gene Amdahl after he left IBM to found
X   his own company: "FUD is the fear, uncertainty, and doubt that IBM
X   sales people instill in the minds of potential customers who might
X   be considering [Amdahl] products."  The idea, of course, was to
X   persuade them to go with safe IBM gear rather than with
X   competitors' equipment.  This was traditionally done by promising
X   that Good Things would happen to people who stuck with IBM, but
X   Dark Shadows loomed over the future of competitors' equipment or
X   software.  See {IBM}.
XFUD wars: /fuhd worz/ n. [from {FUD}] Political posturing engaged in
X   by hardware and software vendors ostensibly committed to
X   standardization but actually willing to fragment the market to
X   protect their own shares.  The UNIX International vs. OSF conflict,
X   for example.
Xfudge: 1. vt. To perform in an incomplete but marginally acceptable
X   way, particularly with respect to the writing of a program.  "I
X   didn't feel like going through that pain and suffering, so I fudged
X   it --- I'll fix it later."  2. n. The resulting code.
Xfudge factor: n. A value or parameter that is varied in an ad hoc way
X   to produce the desired result.  The terms `tolerance' and
X   {slop} are also used, though these usually indicate a one-sided
X   leeway, such as a buffer that is made larger than necessary
X   because one isn't sure exactly how large it needs to be, and it is
X   better to waste a little space than to lose completely for not
X   having enough.  A fudge factor, on the other hand, can often be
X   tweaked in more than one direction.  A good example is the `fuzz'
X   typically allowed in floating-point calculations: two numbers being
X   compared for equality must be allowed to differ by a small amount;
X   if that amount is too small, a computation may never terminate,
X   while if it is too large, results will be needlessly inaccurate.
X   Fudge factors are frequently adjusted incorrectly by programmers
X   who don't fully understand their import.  See also {coefficient
X   of x}.
Xfuel up: vi. To eat or drink hurriedly in order to get back to
X   hacking.  "Food-p?"  "Yeah, let's fuel up."  "Time for a
X   {great-wall}!"  See also {{Oriental Food}}.
Xfuggly: /fuhg'lee/ adj. Emphatic form of {funky}; funky + ugly (or
X   possibly a contraction of `fuckin' ugly').  Unusually for hacker
X   jargon, this may actually derive from black street-jive.  To say it
X   properly, the first syllable should be growled rather than spoken.
X   Usage: humorous.  "Man, the {{ASCII}}-to-{{EBCDIC}} code in that printer
X   driver is *fuggly*."  See also {wonky}.
Xfunky: adj. Said of something that functions, but in a slightly
X   strange, klugey way.  It does the job and would be difficult to
X   change, so its obvious non-optimality is left alone.  Often used to
X   describe interfaces.  The more bugs something has that nobody has
X   bothered to fix because workarounds are easier, the funkier it is.
X   {TECO} and UUCP are funky.  The Intel i860's exception handling is
X   extraordinarily funky.  Most standards acquire funkiness as they
X   age.  "The new mailer is installed, but is still somewhat funky;
X   if it bounces your mail for no reason, try resubmitting it."
X   "This UART is pretty funky.  The data ready line is active-high in
X   interrupt mode, and active-low in DMA mode."  See {fuggly}.
Xfunny money: n. 1. Notional `dollar' units of computing time and/or
X   storage handed to students at the beginning of a computer course;
X   also called `play money' or `purple money' (in implicit
X   opposition to real or `green' money).  When your funny money
X   ran out, your account froze and you needed to go to a professor to
X   get more.  Fortunately, the plunging cost of timesharing cycles has
X   made this less common.  The amounts allocated were almost
X   invariably too small, even for the non-hackers who wanted to slide
X   by with minimum work.  In extreme cases, the practice led to
X   small-scale black markets in bootlegged computer accounts.  2. By
X   extension, phantom money or quantity tickets of any kind used as a
X   resource-allocation hack within a system.  Antonym: `real
X   money'.
Xfuzzball: [TCP/IP hackers] n. A DEC LSI-11 running a particular suite
X   of homebrewed software by Dave Mills and assorted co-conspirators,
X   used in the early 1980s for Internet protocol testbedding and
X   experimentation.  These were used as NSFnet backbone sites in its
X   early 56KB-line days; a few of these are still active on the
X   Internet as of early 1990, doing odd jobs such as network time
X   service.
X= G =
XG: pref. (on units) suff. (on numbers) See {{quantifiers}}.
Xgabriel: /gay'bree-*l/ [for Dick Gabriel, SAIL LISP hacker and
X   volleyball fanatic] n. An unnecessary (in the opinion of the
X   opponent) stalling tactic, e.g., tying one's shoelaces or hair
X   repeatedly, asking the time, etc.  Also used to refer to the
X   perpetrator of such tactics.  Also, `pulling a Gabriel',
X   `Gabriel mode'.
Xgag: vi. Equivalent to {choke}, but connotes more disgust. "Hey,
X   this is FORTRAN code.  No wonder the C compiler gagged."  See also
X   {barf}.
Xgang bang: n. The use of large numbers of loosely coupled
X   programmers in an attempt to wedge a great many features into a
X   product in a short time.  While there have been memorable gang
X   bangs (e.g., that over-the-weekend assembler port mentioned in
X   Steven Levy's `Hackers'), most are perpetrated by large
X   companies trying to meet deadlines and produce enormous buggy
X   masses of code entirely lacking in orthogonality (see
X   {orthogonal}).  When market-driven managers make a list of all
X   the features the competition has and assign one programmer to
X   implement each, they often miss the importance of maintaining a
X   coherent design.  See also {firefighting}, {Mongolian Hordes
X   technique}, {Conway's Law}.
Xgarbage collect: vi. (also `garbage collection', n.) See {GC}.
Xgarply: /gar'plee/ [Stanford] n. Another meta-syntactic variable (see
X   {foo}); formerly popular among SAIL hackers.
Xgas: [as in `gas chamber'] 1. interj. A term of disgust and
X   hatred, implying that gas should be dispensed in generous
X   quantities, thereby exterminating the source of irritation.  "Some
X   loser just reloaded the system for no reason!  Gas!"  2. interj. A
X   suggestion that someone or something ought to be flushed out of
X   mercy.  "The system's wedging every few minutes.  Gas!"  3. vt.
X   To {flush} (sense #1).  "You should gas that old crufty
X   software."  4. [IBM] n. Dead space in nonsequentially organized
X   files that was occupied by data that has been deleted; the
X   compression operation that removes it is called `degassing' (by
X   analogy, perhaps, with the use of the same term in vacuum
X   technology).
Xgaseous: adj. Deserving of being {gas}sed.  Disseminated by Geoff
X   Goodfellow while at SRI; became particularly popular after the
X   Moscone/Milk murders in San Francisco, when it was learned that the
X   defendant Dan White (a politician who had who supported Proposition
X   7) would get the gas chamber under Proposition 7 if convicted.  He
X   was eventually found not guilty by reason of insanity.
XGC: /jee-see/ [from LISP terminology; `Garbage Collect']
X   1. vt.  To clean up and throw away useless things.  "I think I'll
X   GC the top of my desk today."  When said of files, this is
X   equivalent to {GFR}.  2. vt. To recycle, reclaim, or put to
X   another use.  3. n.  An instantiation of the garbage collector
X   process.
X   `Garbage collection' is computer science jargon for a particular
X   class of strategies for dynamically reallocating computer memory.
X   One such strategy involves periodically scanning all the data in
X   memory and determining what is no longer accessible; useless data
X   items are then discarded so that the memory they occupy can be
X   recycled and used for another purpose.  Implementations of the LISP
X   language usually use garbage collection.
X   In jargon, the full phrase is sometimes heard but the {abbrev} is
X   more frequently used because it's shorter.  Note that there is an
X   ambiguity in usage that has to be resolved by context: "I'm going
X   to garbage-collect my desk" usually means to clean out the
X   drawers, but it could also mean to throw away or recycle the desk
X   itself.
XGCOS: n. A {quick and dirty} {clone} of System/360 DOS that emerged
X   from GE about 1970; originally called GECOS (the General Electric
X   Comprehensive Operating System).  Later kluged to support
X   primitive timesharing and transaction processing.  After the buyout
X   of GE's computer division by Honeywell, the name was changed to
X   General Comprehensive Operating System (GCOS).  Other OS groups at
X   Honeywell began referring to it as `God's Chosen Operating System',
X   allegedly in reaction to the GCOS crowd's uninformed and snotty
X   attitude about the superiority of their product.  All this might be
X   of zero interest, except for two facts: (1) the GCOS people won the
X   political war, resulting in the orphaning and eventual death of
X   Honeywell {Multics}, and (2) GECOS/GCOS left one permanent mark
X   on UNIX.  Some early UNIX systems at Bell Labs were used as front
X   ends to GCOS machines; the field added to /etc/passwd to carry GCOS
X   ID information was called the `GECOS field' and survives today as
X   the pw_gecos member used for the user's full name and other
X   human-id information.  GCOS later played a major role in keeping
X   Honeywell a dismal also-ran in the mainframe market, and was itself
X   ditched for UNIX in the late 1980s when Honeywell retired its aging
X   {big iron} designs.
Xgedanken: /g*-dahn'kn/ adj. Ungrounded; impractical; not
X   well-thought-out; untried; untested.  `Gedanken' is a German word
X   for `thought'.  A thought experiment is one you carry out in your
X   head.  In physics, the term `gedanken experiment' is used to
X   refer to an experiment that is impractical to carry out, but useful
X   to consider because you can reason about it theoretically.  (A
X   classic gedanken experiment of relativity theory involves thinking
X   about a man in an elevator accelerating through space.)  Gedanken
X   experiments are very useful in physics, but you have to be careful.
X   It was a gedanken experiment that led Aristotle to conclude that
X   heavy things always fall faster than light things (he thought about
X   a rock and a feather); this was accepted until Galileo proved
X   otherwise.
X   Among hackers, however, the word has a pejorative connotation.  It
X   is said of a project, especially one in artificial intelligence
X   research, which is written up in grand detail (typically as a Ph.D.
X   thesis) without ever being implemented to any great extent.  Such a
X   project is usually perpetrated by people who aren't very good
X   hackers or find programming distasteful or are just in a hurry.  A
X   gedanken thesis is usually marked by an obvious lack of intuition
X   about what is programmable and what is not, and about what does and
X   does not constitute a clear specification of an algorithm.  See
X   also {DWIM}.
Xh{geef} v. [ostensibly from `gefingerpoken'] vt. Syn. {mung}.  See
X   also {blinkenlights}.
Xgeek out: vi. To temporarily enter techno-nerd mode while in a
X   non-hackish context, for example at parties held near computer
X   equipment.  Especially used when you need to do something highly
X   technical and don't have time to explain: "Pardon me while I geek
X   out for a moment."
Xgen: /jen/ n.,v. Short for {generate}, used frequently in both spoken
X   and written contexts.
Xgender mender: n., A cable connector shell with either two male or
X   two female connectors on it, used to correct the mismatches that
X   result when some {loser} didn't understand the RS232C
X   specification and the distinction between DTE and DCE.  Used esp.
X   for RS-232C parts in either the original D-25 or the IBM PC's bogus
X   D-9 format.  Also called a `gender bender', `gender
X   blender', `sex changer', and even `homosexual adaptor';
X   there appears to be some confusion as to whether a `male homosexual
X   adapter' has pins on both sides (is male) or sockets on both sides
X   (connects two males).
XGeneral Public Virus: n. Pejorative name for some versions of the
X   {GNU} project {copyleft} or General Public License (GPL), which
X   requires that any tools or {app}s incorporating copylefted code
X   must be source-distributed on the same counter-commercial terms as
X   GNU stuff.  Thus it is alleged that the copyleft `infects' software
X   generated with GNU tools, which may in turn infect other software
X   that reuses any of its code.  The Free Software Foundation's
X   official position as of January 1991 is that copyright law limits
X   the scope of the GPL to "programs textually incorporating
X   significant amounts of GNU code", and that the `infection' is not
X   passed on to third parties unless actual GNU source is transmitted
X   (as in, for example, use of the Bison parser skeleton).
X   Nevertheless, widespread suspicion that the {copyleft} language
X   is `boobytrapped' has caused many developers to avoid using GNU
X   tools and the GPL.
Xgenerate: vt. To produce something according to an algorithm or
X   program or set of rules, or as a (possibly unintended) side effect
X   of the execution of an algorithm or program.  The opposite of
X   {parse}.  This term retains its mechanistic connotations (though
X   often humorously) when used of human behavior.  "The guy is
X   rational most of the time, but mention nuclear energy around him
X   and he'll generate {infinite} flamage."
Xgensym: [from MacLisp for `generated symbol'] 1. v. To invent a new
X   name for something temporary, in such a way that the name is almost
X   certainly not already in conflict with one already in use.  2. n.
X   The resulting name.  The canonical form of a gensym is `Gnnnn'
X   where nnnn represents a number; any LISP hacker would recognize
X   G0093 (for example) as a gensym.  3. A freshly generated data
X   structure with a gensymmed name.  These are useful for storing or
X   uniquely identifying crufties (see {cruft}).
XGet a life!: imp. Hacker-standard way of suggesting that the person
X   to whom you are speaking has succumbed to terminal geekdom (see
X   {computer geek}).  Often heard on {USENET}, esp. as a way of
X   suggesting that the target is taking some obscure issue of
X   {theology} too seriously.  This exhortation was popularized by
X   William Shatner on a Saturday Night Live episode in a speech which
X   ended "Get a *life*!", but some respondents believe it to
X   have been in use before then.
XGet a real computer!: imp. Typical hacker response to news that
X   somebody is having trouble getting work done on a system that (a)
X   is single-tasking, (b) has no hard disk, or (c) has an address
X   space smaller than 4 megabytes.  This is as of mid-1991; note that
X   the threshold for `real computer' rises with time, and it may well
X   be (for example) that machines with character-only displays will be
X   generally considered `unreal' in a few years (GLS points out that
X   they already are in some circles).  See {essentials}, {bitty
X   box} and {toy}.
XGFR: /jee eff ar/ vt. [acronym, ITS] From "Grim File Reaper", an
X   ITS utility.  To remove a file or files according to some
X   program-automated or semi-automatic manual procedure, especially
X   one designed to reclaim mass storage space or reduce namespace
X   clutter.  Often generalized to pieces of data below file level.
X   "I used to have his phone number but I guess I {GFR}ed it."  See
X   also {prowler}, {reaper}.  Compare {GC}, which discards only
X   provably worthless stuff.
Xgig: /jig/ or /gig/ n. See {{quantifiers}}.
Xgiga-: /ji'ga/ or /gi'ga/ pref. See {{quantifiers}}.
XGIGO: /gie'goh/ [acronym] 1. Garbage In, Garbage out --- usually said
X   in response to {luser}s who complain that a program didn't complain
X   about faulty data.  Also commonly used to describe failures in
X   human decision making due to faulty, incomplete, or imprecise data.
X   2. Garbage In, Gospel Out --- this more recent expansion is a
X   sardonic comment on the tendency human beings have to put excessive
X   trust in "computerized" data.
Xgillion: /jill'y*n/ n. 10 ^ 9. [From {giga-}, following
X   construction of mega/million and notional tera/trillion] Same as an
X   American billion or a British `milliard'.
XGIPS: /gips/ or /jips/ [analogy with {MIPS}] n. Giga-Instructions
X   per Second (also possibly `Gillions of Instructions per Second; see
X   {gillion}).  How one pronounces this depends on whether one
X   speaks {giga-} with hard or soft `g'.  In 1991 this is used of
X   only a handful of highly parallel machines, but this is expected to
X   change.  Compare {KIPS}.
Xglark: /glark/ vt. To figure something out from context.  "The
X   System III manuals are pretty poor, but you can generally glark the
X   meaning from context."  Interestingly, the word was originally
X   `glork'; the context was: "This gubblick contains many nonsklarkish
X   English flutzpahs, but the overall pluggandisp can be glorked [sic]
X   from context", by David Moser, quoted by Douglas Hofstadter in his
X   `Metamagical Themas' column in the January 1981 Scientific
X   American.  It is conjectured that hackish usage mutated the verb to
X   `glark' because {glork} was already an established jargon term.
Xglass: [IBM] n. Synonym for {silicon}.
Xglass tty: /glas tee-tee-wie/ or /glas ti'tee/ n. A terminal which
X   has a display screen but which, because of hardware or software
X   limitations, behaves like a teletype or other printing terminal,
X   thereby combining the disadvantages of both: like a printing
X   terminal, it can't do fancy display hacks, and like a display
X   terminal, it doesn't produce hard copy.  An example is the early
X   `dumb' version of Lear-Siegler ADM-3 (without cursor control).  See
X   {tube}, {tty}.  See Appendix A for an interesting true story
X   about a glass tty.
Xglassfet: /glas'fet/ [by analogy with MOSFET the acronym for
X   Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor] n.  Syn.
X   {firebottle}, a humorous way to refer to a vacuum tube.
Xglitch: /glich/ [from German `glitschen' to slip, via Yiddish
X   `glitshen', to slide or skid] 1. n. A sudden interruption in
X   electric service, sanity, continuity, or program function.
X   Sometimes recoverable.  An interruption in electric service is
X   specifically called a `power glitch'.  This is of grave concern
X   because it usually crashes all the computers.  More common in
X   jargon, though, a hacker who got to the middle of a sentence and
X   then forgot how he or she intended to complete it might say,
X   "Sorry, I just glitched".  2. vi. To commit a glitch.  See
X   {gritch}.  3. vt. [Stanford] To scroll a display screen several
X   lines at a time.  This derives from some oddities in the terminal
X   behavior under {WAITS}.  4. obs.  Same as {magic cookie},
X   sense #2.
X   All these uses of `glitch' derive from the specific technical
X   meaning the term has to hardware people.  If the inputs of a
X   circuit change, and the outputs change to some {random} value for
X   some very brief time before they settle down to the correct value,
X   then that is called a glitch.  This may or may not be harmful,
X   depending on what the circuit is connected to.  This term is found
X   in electronic texts.
Xglob: /glob/, *not* /glohb/ [UNIX] vt.,n. To expand special
X   characters in a wildcarded name, or the act of so doing (the action
X   is also called `globbing').  The UNIX conventions for filename
X   wildcarding have become sufficiently pervasive that many hackers
X   use some of them in written English, especially in email or news on
X   technical topics.  Those commonly encountered include:
X     *    wildcard for any string (see also {UN*X}).
X     ?    wildcard for any character (generally only read this way
X          at the beginning or in the middle of a word).
X     []   delimits a wildcard matching any of the enclosed characters.
X     {}   alternation of comma-separated alternatives.  Thus,
X          `foo{baz,qux}' would be read as `foobaz' or `fooqux'.
X   Some examples: "He said his name was [KC]arl" (expresses
X   ambiguity).  "That got posted to talk.politics.*" (all the
X   talk.politics subgroups on {USENET}).  Other examples are given
X   under the entry for {X}.  Compare {regexp}.
X   Historical note: the jargon usage derives from `glob', the
X   name of a subprogram that expanded wildcards in archaic Bourne
X   Shell versions; this was necessary because early UNIX machines had
X   so little memory that the glob routine and the rest of the shell
X   could not be co-resident within 64K of code plus data.
Xglork: /glork/ 1. interj. Term of mild surprise, usually tinged with
X   outrage, as when one attempts to save the results of two hours of
X   editing and finds that the system has just crashed.  2. Used as a
X   name for just about anything.  See {foo}.  3. vt. Similar to
X   {glitch}, but usually used reflexively.  "My program just glorked
X   itself."
Xglue: n. Generic term for any interface logic or protocol that
X   connects between two component blocks.  For example, the {Blue
X   Glue} is IBM's SNA protocol, and hardware designers call anything
X   used to connect large VLSI's or circuit blocks "glue logic".
Xgnarly: adj. Both {obscure} and {hairy} in the sense of complex.
X   "Yeech --- the tuned assembler implementation of BitBlt is really
X   gnarly!"  From a similar but less specific usage in surfer slang.
XGNU: /gnoo/, *not* /noo/ 1. [acronym, `GNU's Not UNIX!',
X   see {{recursive acronyms}}] A UNIX-workalike development effort of
X   the Free Software Foundation headed by Richard Stallman
X   (rms@mole.ai.mit.edu).  GNU EMACS and the GNU C compiler, two
X   tools designed for this project, have become very popular in
X   hackerdom and elsewhere.  The GNU project was designed partly to
X   proselytize for RMS's position that information is community
X   property and all software source should be shared.  One of its
X   slogans is "Help stamp out software hoarding!"  Though this
X   remains controversial (because it implicitly denies any right of
X   designers to own, assign, and sell the results of their labors),
X   many hackers who disagree with him have nevertheless cooperated to
X   produce large amounts of high-quality software available for free
X   redistribution under the Free Software Foundation imprimatur.  See
X   {EMACS}, {copyleft}, {General Public Virus}.  2. Noted UNIX
X   hacker John Gilmore (gnu@toad.com), founder of USENET's anarchic
X   alt.* hierarchy.
XGNUMACS: /gnoo'maks/ [contraction of `GNU EMACS'] Often-heard
X   abbreviated name for the {GNU} project's flagship tool, {EMACS}.
X   Used esp. in contrast with {GOSMACS}.
Xgo flatline: [from cyberpunk SF, refers to flattening of EEG traces
X   upon brain-death] vi., also adjectival `flatlined'. 1. To die,
X   terminate, or fail, esp. irreversibly.  In hacker parlance, this is
X   used of machines only, human death being considered somewhat too
X   serious a matter to employ jargon-jokes about.  2. To go completely
X   quiescent; said of machines undergoing controlled shutdown.  "You
X   can suffer file damage if you shut down UNIX but power off before
X   the system has gone flatline."  3. Of a video tube, to fail by
X   losing vertical scan, so all one sees is a bright horizontal line
X   bisecting the screen.
Xgo root: [UNIX] vi. To temporarily enter {root mode} in order to
X   perform a privileged operation.  This use is deprecated in
X   Australia, where v. `root' is roughly synonymous with `fuck'.
Xgobble: vt. To consume or to obtain.  The phrase `gobble up' tends to
X   imply `consume', while `gobble down' tends to imply `obtain'.
X   "The output spy gobbles characters out of a {tty} output buffer."
X   "I guess I'll gobble down a copy of the documentation tomorrow."
X   See also {snarf}.
X{Godzillagram} n. [from Japan's national hero]  1. A network packet
X   that in theory is a broadcast to every machine in the universe.
X   The typical case of this is an IP datagram whose destination IP
X   address is [].  Fortunately, few gateways are
X   foolish enough to attempt to implement this!  2. A network packet
X   of maximum size.  An IP Godzillagram has 65,536 octets.
Xgolden: adj. [perh. from folklore's `golden egg'] When used to
X   describe a magnetic medium (e.g. `golden disk', `golden tape'),
X   describes one containing a tested, up-to-spec, ready-to-ship
X   software version.  Compare {platinum-iridium}.
Xgolf-ball printer: n. A slow but letter-quality printing device and
X   terminal (the IBM 2741) based on the IBM Selectric typewriter.  The
X   `golf ball' was a round object bearing mirror-image embossed images
X   of 88 different characters (arranged on four lines of latitude);
X   one could change the font by swapping in a different golf ball.
X   This was the technology that enabled APL to use a non-EBCDIC,
X   non-ASCII, and in fact completely non-standard character set; this
X   put it ten years ahead of its time --- where it stayed, firmly
X   rooted, for the next twenty, until character displays gave way to
X   programmable bit-mapped devices with the flexibility to support
X   other character sets.
Xgonk: /gonk/ vt.,n. 1. To prevaricate or to embellish the truth
X   beyond any reasonable recognition.  It is alleged that in German
X   the term is (fictively) `gonken', in Spanish the verb becomes
X   `gonkar'.  "You're gonking me.  That story you just told me is a
X   bunch of gonk."  In German, for example, "Du gonkst mir" (You're
X   pulling my leg).  See also {gonkulator}.  2. [British] To grab some
X   sleep at an odd time; compare {gronk} (sense #4).
Xgonkulator: /gon'kyoo-lay-tr/ [from the old `Hogan's Heroes' TV
X   series] n. A pretentious piece of equipment that actually serves no
X   useful purpose.  Usually used to describe one's least favorite
X   piece of computer hardware.  See {gonk}.
Xgonzo: /gon'zo/ [from Hunter S. Thompson] adj. Overwhelming;
X   outrageous; over the top; very large, esp. used of collections of
X   source code, source files or individual functions.  Has some of the
X   connotations of {moby} and {hairy}.
XGood Thing: n.,adj. Often capitalized; always pronounced as if
X   capitalized.  1. Self-evidently wonderful to anyone in a position
X   to notice: "The Trailblazer's 19.2Kbaud PEP mode with on-the-fly
X   Lempel-Ziv compression is a Good Thing for sites relaying
X   netnews."  2. Something that can't possibly have any ill
X   side-effects and may save considerable grief later: "Removing the
X   self-modifying code from that shared library would be a Good
X   Thing."  3. When said of software tools or libraries, as in "YACC
X   is a Good Thing", specifically connotes that the thing has
X   drastically reduced a programmer's work load.  Oppose {Bad
X   Thing}.
Xgorilla arm: n. The side-effect that destroyed touch-screens as a
X   mainstream input technology despite a promising start in the early
X   eighties.  It seems the designers of all those {spiffy}
X   touch-menu systems failed to notice that humans aren't designed to
X   hold their arms in front of their faces making small motions.
X   After more than a very few selections, the arm begins to feel sore,
X   cramped, and oversized, hence `gorilla arm'.  This is now
X   considered a classic cautionary tale to human-factors designers;
X   "Remember the gorilla arm!" is shorthand for "How's this gonna
X   fly in *real* use?".
Xgorp: /gorp/ [CMU, perhaps from the canonical hiker's food, Good
X   Old Raisins and Peanuts] Another metasyntactic variable, like
X   {foo} and {bar}.
XGOSMACS: /goz'maks/ [contraction of `Gosling EMACS'] n. The first
X   {EMACS}-in-C implementation, predating but now largely eclipsed by
X   {GNUMACS}.  Originally freeware; a commercial version is now
X   modestly popular as `UniPress EMACS'.  The author (James Gosling)
X   went on to invent {NeWS}.
XGosperism: /gos'p*r-iz-m/ A hack, invention, or saying by
X   arch-hacker R. William (Bill) Gosper.  This notion merits its own
X   term because there are so many of them.  Many of the entries in
X   {HAKMEM} are Gosperisms; see also {life}.
Xgotcha: n. A {misfeature} of a system, especially a programming
X   language or environment, that tends to breed bugs or mistakes
X   because it behaves in an unexpected way.  For example, a classic
X   gotcha in {C} is the fact that `if (a=b) {code;}' is
X   syntactically valid and sometimes even correct.  It puts the value
X   of b into a and then executes `code' if a is non-zero.  What
X   the programmer probably meant was `if (a==b) {code;}' which
X   executes `code' if a and b are equal.
XGPL: n. Abbrev. for `General Public License' in widespread use; see
X   {copyleft}.
XGPV: n. Abbrev. for {General Public Virus} in widespread use.
Xgrault: /grawlt/ n. Yet another meta-syntactic variable, invented by
X   Mike Gallaher and propagated by the {GOSMACS} documentation.  See
X   {corge}.
Xgray goo: n. A hypothetical substance composed of {sagan}s of
X   sub-micron-sized self-replicating robots programmed to make copies
X   of themselves out of whatever is available.  The image that goes
X   with the term is one of the entire biosphere of Earth being
X   eventually converted to robot goo.  This is the simplest of the
X   {{nanotechnology}} disaster scenarios, easily refuted by arguments
X   from energy requirements and elemental abundances.  Compare {blue
X   goo}.
XGreat Renaming: n. The {flag day} on which all of the groups on the
X   {USENET} had their names changed from the net.- format to the
X   current multiple-hierarchies scheme.
XGreat Runes: n. Uppercase-only text or display messages.  Some
X   archaic operating systems still emit these.  See also {runes},
X   {smash case}, {fold case}.
Xgreat-wall: [from SF fandom] vi.,n. A mass expedition to an
X   Oriental restaurant, esp. one where food is served family-style
X   and shared.  There is a common heuristic about the amount of food
X   to order, expressed as "Get `N - 1' entrees"; the value of
X   N, which is the number of people in the group, can be inferred from
X   context (see {N}).  See {{Oriental Food}}, {ravs},
X   {stir-fried random}.
XGreen Book: n. 1. One of the three standard PostScript references
X   (`PostScript Language Program Design', Adobe Systems,
X   Addison-Wesley 1988, QA76.73.P67P66 ISBN 0-201-14396-8); see also
X   {Red Book}, {Blue Book}).  2. Informal name for one of the three
X   standard references on SmallTalk: `Smalltalk-80: Bits of
X   History, Words of Advice', Glenn Krasner, Addison-Wesley 1983,
X   QA76.8.S635S58, ISBN 0-201-11669-3 (this, too, is associated with
X   blue and red books).  3. The `X/Open Compatibility Guide'.
X   Defines an international standard {UNIX} environment that is a
X   proper superset of POSIX/SVID; also includes descriptions of a
X   standard utility toolkit, systems administrations features, and the
X   like.  This grimoire is taken with particular seriousness in
X   Europe.  See {Purple Book}.  4. The IEEE 1003.1 POSIX Operating
X   Systems Interface standard has been dubbed "The Ugly Green Book".
X   5. Any of the 1992 standards which will be issued by the CCITT 10th
X   plenary assembly.  Until now, these have changed color each review
X   cycle (1984 was {Red Book}, 1988 {Blue Book}); however, it is
X   rumored that this convention is going to be dropped before 1992.
X   These include, among other things, the X.400 email spec and the
X   Group 1 through 4 fax standards.  See also {{book titles}}.
Xgreen bytes: n. 1. Meta-information embedded in a file such as the
X   length of the file or its name; as opposed to keeping such
X   information in a separate description file or record.  The term
X   comes from an IBM user's group meeting ca.1962 where these two
X   approaches were being debated and the diagram of the file on the
X   blackboard had the `green bytes' drawn in green.  2. By extension,
X   the non-data bits in any self-describing format.  "A GIF file
X   contains, among other things, green bytes describing the packing
X   method for the image."
Xgreen card: n. [after the `IBM System/360 Reference Data'
X   card] This is used for any summary of an assembly language, even if
X   the color is not green.  Less frequently used now because of the
X   decrease in the use of assembly language.  "I'll go get my green
X   card so I can check the addressing mode for that instruction."
X   Some green cards are actually booklets.
X   The original green card became a yellow card when the System/370
X   was introduced, and later a yellow booklet.  An anecdote from IBM
X   refers to a scene that took place in a programmers' terminal room
X   at Yorktown in 1978.  A luser overheard one of the programmers ask
X   another "Do you have a green card?"  The other grunted and
X   passed the first a thick yellow booklet.  At this point the luser
X   turned a delicate shade of olive and rapidly left the room, never
X   to return.  See also {card}.
Xgreen lightning: [IBM] n. 1. Apparently random flashing streaks on
X   the face of 3278-9 terminals while a new symbol set is being
X   downloaded.  This hardware bug was left deliberately unfixed, as
X   some genius within IBM suggested it would let the user know that
X   `something is happening'.  That, it certainly does.  Later
X   microprocessor-driven IBM color graphics displays were actually
X   *programmed* to produce green lightning!  2. [proposed] Any
X   bug perverted into an alleged feature by adroit rationalization or
X   marketing.  E.g., "Motorola calls the CISC cruft in the 88000
X   architecture `compatibility logic', but I call it green
X   lightning".  See also {feature}.
Xgreen machine: n. A computer or peripheral device that has been
X   designed and built to military specifications for field equipment
X   (that is, to withstand mechanical shock, extremes of temperature
X   and humidity, and so forth).  Comes from the olive-drab `uniform'
X   paint used for military equipment.
XGreen's Theorem: [TMRC] prov. For any story, in any group of people
X   there will be at least one person who has not heard the story.
Xgrep: /grep/ [from the qed/ed editor idiom g/re/p , where
X   re stands for a regular expression, to Globally search for the
X   Regular Expression and Print the lines containing matches to it,
X   via {UNIX} `grep(1)'] vt. To rapidly scan a file or file set
X   looking for a particular string or pattern.  By extension, to look
X   for something by pattern.  "Grep the bulletin board for the system
X   backup schedule, would you?"  See also {vgrep}.
Xgrind: vt. 1. [MIT and Berkeley] To format code, especially LISP
X   code, by indenting lines so that it looks pretty.  This usage was
X   associated with the MacLISP community and is now rare;
X   {prettyprint} was and is the generic term for such operations.
X   2. [UNIX] To generate the formatted version of a document from the
X   nroff, troff, TeX, or Scribe source.  The BSD program
X   `vgrind(1)' grinds code for printing on a Versatec bitmapped
X   printer.  3. To run seemingly interminably, esp. (but not
X   necessarily) if performing some tedious and inherently useless
X   task.  Similar to {crunch} or {grovel}.  Grinding has a
X   connotation of using a lot of CPU time, but it is possible to grind
X   a disk, network, etc.  See also {hog}.  4. To make the whole
X   system slow, e.g. "Troff really grinds a PDP-11".  5. `grind
X   grind' excl. Roughly, "Isn't the machine slow today!"
Xgrind crank: n. A mythical accessory to a terminal.  A crank on the
X   side of a monitor, which when operated makes a zizzing noise and
X   causes the computer to run faster.  Usually one does not refer to a
X   grind crank out loud, but merely makes the appropriate gesture and
X   noise.  See {grind}, and {wugga wugga}.
X   Historical note: At least one real machine actually had a grind
X   crank --- the R1, a research machine built towards the the end of
X   the days of the great vacuum tube computers in 1959.  R1 (also
X   known as `The Rice Institute Computer' (TRIC) and later as `The
X   Rice University Computer' (TRUC)) had a single-step/free-run switch
X   for use when debugging programs.  Since single-stepping through a
X   large program was rather tedious, there was also a crank with a cam
X   and gear arrangement that repeatedly pushed the single-step button.
X   This allowed one to `crank' through a lot of code, then slow down
X   to single-step a bit when you got near the code of interest, poke
X   at some registers using the console typewriter, and then keep on
X   cranking.
Xgritch: /grich/ 1. n. A complaint (often caused by a {glitch}).
X   2. vi. To complain.  Often verb-doubled: "Gritch gritch".  3. A
X   synonym for {glitch} (as verb or noun).
Xgrok: /grok/, var. /grohk/ [from the novel `Stranger in a
X   Strange Land', by Robert Heinlein, where it is a Martian word
X   meaning literally `to drink' and metaphorically `to be one
X   with'] vt. 1. To understand, usually in a global sense.  Connotes
X   intimate and exhaustive knowledge.  Contrast {zen}, similar
X   supernal understanding as a single brief flash.  2. Used of
X   programs, may connote merely sufficient understanding, e.g.,
X   "Almost all C compilers grok void these days."
Xgronk: /gronk/ [popularized by the comic strip `B.C.' by Johnny
X   Hart, but the word apparently predates that] vt. 1. To clear the
X   state of a wedged device and restart it.  More severe than "to
X   {frob}".  2. [TMRC] To cut, sever, smash, or similarly
X   disable.  3. The sound made by many 3.5-inch diskette drives.  In
X   particular, the microfloppies on a Commodore Amiga go "grink,
X   gronk".
Xgronked: adj. 1. Broken.  "The teletype scanner was gronked, so
X   we took the system down."  2. Of people, the condition of
X   feeling very tired or sick.  Compare {broken}, which means about
X   the same as {gronk} used of hardware but connotes depression or
X   mental/emotional problems in people.
Xgronk out: vi. To cease functioning.  Of people, to go home and go
X   to sleep.  "I guess I'll gronk out now; see you all tomorrow."
Xgrovel: vi. 1. To work interminably and without apparent progress.
X   Often used transitively with `over' or `through'.  "The file
X   scavenger has been grovelling through the file directories for ten
X   minutes now."  Compare {grind} and {crunch}.  Emphatic form:
X   `grovel obscenely'.  2. To examine minutely or in complete detail.
X   "The compiler grovels over the entire source program before
X   beginning to translate it."  "I grovelled through all the
X   documentation, but I still couldn't find the command I wanted."
Xgrunge: /gruhnj/ n. 1. That which is grungy, or that which
X   makes it so.  2. [Cambridge] Code which is `dead' (can never be
X   accessed) due to changes in other parts of the program.  The
X   preferred term in North America is {dead code}.
Xgubbish: /guh'bish/ [a portmanteau of "garbage" and "rubbish"?]
X   n. Garbage; crap; nonsense.  "What is all this gubbish?"  The
X   opposite portmanteau "rubbage" is also reported.
Xguiltware: n. 1. {freeware} decorated with a message telling one how
X   long and hard the author worked on this program and intimating that
X   one is a no-good freeloader if one does not immediately send the
X   poor suffering martyr gobs of money.  2. {Shareware} that works.
Xgumby: /guhm'bee/ [from a class of Monty Python characters, poss.
X   themselves named after the 1960s claymation character] n. An act of
X   minor but conspicuous stupidity, often in `gumby maneuver' or
X   `pull a gumby'.
Xgun: [from the :GUN command on ITS] vt. To forcibly terminate a
X   program or job (computer, not career).  "Some idiot left a
X   background process running soaking up half the cycles, so I gunned
X   it."  Compare {can}.
Xgunch: [TMRC] vt. To push, prod, or poke at a device which has
X   almost produced the desired result.  Implies a threat to {mung}.
Xgurfle: /ger'fl/ interj. An expression of shocked disbelief.  "He
X   said we have to recode this thing in FORTRAN by next week.
X   Gurfle!"  Compare {weeble}.
Xguru: n. 1. [UNIX] An expert.  Implies not only {wizard} skill but a
X   history of being a knowledge resource for others.  Less often, used
X   (with a qualifier) for other experts on other systems, as in `VMS
X   guru'.  2. Amiga equivalent of "panic" in UNIX.  When the system
X   crashes, a cryptic message "GURU MEDITATION #XXXXXXXX.YYYYYYYY"
X   appears, indicating what the problem was.  An Amiga guru can figure
X   things out from the numbers.  Generally a {guru} event must be
X   followed by a {vulcan nerve pinch}.
X= H =
Xh: [from SF fandom] infix. A method of `marking' common words,
X   i.e. calling attention to the fact that they are being used in a
X   nonstandard, ironic, or humorous way.  Orig. in the fannish
X   catchphrase "Bheer is the One True Ghod!" from decades ago.
X   H-infix marking of `Ghod' and other words spread into the Sixties
X   counterculture via underground comix, and into early hackerdom
X   either from the counterculture or SF fandom (all three overlapped
X   heavily at the time).  More recently, the h infix has become an
X   expected feature of benchmark names, e.g. Dhrystone, Rhealstone,
X   etc.; this is prob. patterning on the original Whetstone (the name
X   of a laboratory) but influenced by the fannish/counterculture H
X   infix.
Xha ha only serious: [from SF fandom, orig. as mutation of HHOK,
X   "Ha Ha Only Kidding"] A phrase that aptly captures the flavor of
X   much hacker discourse (often seen abbreviated as HHOS).  Applied
X   especially to parodies, absurdities, and ironic jokes that are both
X   intended and perceived to contain a possibly disquieting amount of
X   truth, or truths which are constructed on in-joke and self-parody.
X   This lexicon contains many examples of ha-ha-only-serious in
X   both form and content.  Indeed, the entirety of hacker culture is
X   often perceived as ha-ha-only-serious by hackers themselves; to
X   take it either too lightly or too seriously marks a person as an
X   outsider, a {wannabee}, or in {larval stage}.  For further
X   enlightenment on this subject, consult any Zen master.  See also
X   {{Humor, Hacker}} and {AI koans}.
Xhack: 1. n. Originally a quick job that produces what is needed,
X   but not well.  2. n. An incredibly good, and perhaps very
X   time-consuming, piece of work that produces exactly what is needed.
X   3. vt. To bear emotionally or physically.  "I can't hack this
X   heat!"  4. vt. To work on something (typically a program).  In
X   specific sense: "What are you doing?"  "I'm hacking TECO."  In
X   general sense: "What do you do around here?"  "I hack TECO."
X   (The former is time-immediate, the latter time-extended.)  More
X   generally, "I hack `foo'" is roughly equivalent to
X   "`foo' is my major interest (or project)".  "I hack
X   solid-state physics."  5. vt. To pull a prank on.  See sense #2
X   and {hacker} (sense #5).  6. vi. To interact with a computer in
X   a playful and exploratory, rather than goal-directed way.
X   "Whatcha up to?"  "Oh, just hacking."  7. n. Short for
X   {hacker}, which see.  8. [UNIX] n. A dungeon game similar to
X   {rogue} but more elaborate, distributed in C source over
X   {USENET} and very popular at UNIX sites and on PC-class machines.
true || echo 'restore of jargon.ascii failed'
echo 'End of part 8, continue with part 9'
echo 9 > _shar_seq_.tmp
exit 0