[comp.misc] The Jargon File v2.8.1, 22 MAR 1991, part 12 of 19

eric@snark.thyrsus.com (Eric S. Raymond) (03/23/91)

Submitted-by: jargon@thyrsus.com
Archive-name: jargon/part12

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# this is jargon.12 (part 12 of jargon)
# do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
# file jargon.ascii continued
if test ! -r _shar_seq_.tmp; then
	echo 'Please unpack part 1 first!'
	exit 1
(read Scheck
 if test "$Scheck" != 12; then
	echo Please unpack part "$Scheck" next!
	exit 1
	exit 0
) < _shar_seq_.tmp || exit 1
if test -f _shar_wnt_.tmp; then
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> 'jargon.ascii' &&
Xnanotechnology:: /nan'-oh-tek-no`l*-ji/ n. A hypothetical
X   fabrication technology in which objects are designed and built with
X   the individual specification and placement of each separate atom.
X   The first unequivocal nanofabrication experiments are taking place
X   now (1990), for example with the deposition of individual xenon
X   atoms on a nickel substrate to spell the logo of a certain very
X   large computer company by two of its physicists.  Nanotechnology
X   has been a hot topic in the hacker subculture ever since the term
X   was coined by K. Eric Drexler in his book `Engines of Creation',
X   where he predicted that nanotechnology could give rise to
X   replicating assemblers, permitting an exponential growth of
X   productivity and personal wealth.  See also {blue goo}, {gray goo},
X   {nanobot}.
Xnastygram: n. 1. A protocol packet or item of email (the latter is
X   also called a `letterbomb') that takes advantage of misfeatures
X   or security holes on the target system to do untoward things.
X   2. Disapproving mail, esp. from a {net.god}, pursuant to a
X   violation of {netiquette}.  Compare {shitogram}.  3. A status
X   report from an unhappy, and probably picky, customer.  "What'd the
X   Germans say in today's nastygram?"  4. [deprecated] An error reply
X   by mail from a {daemon}; in particular, a {bounce message}.
XNathan Hale: n. An asterisk (See also {splat}, {{ASCII}}).  Oh,
X   you want an etymology?  Notionally, from "I regret that I have only
X   one asterisk for my country!", a misquote of the famous remark
X   uttered by Nathan Hale just before he was hanged.  Hale was a
X   (failed) spy for the rebels in the American War of Independence.
Xnature: n. See {has the X nature}.
Xneat hack: n. A clever technique.  Also, a brilliant practical
X   joke, where neatness is correlated with cleverness, harmlessness,
X   and surprise value.  Example: the Caltech Rose Bowl card display
X   switch (see Appendix A).  See {hack}.
Xneep-neep: /neep neep/ [onomatopoeic, from New York SF fandom] n.
X   One who is fascinated by computers.  More general than {hacker},
X   as it need not imply more skill than is required to boot games on a
X   PC.  The derived noun `neep-neeping' applies specifically to
X   the long conversations about computers that tend to develop in the
X   corners at most SF-convention parties.  Fandom has a related
X   proverb to the effect that "Hacking is a conversational black
X   hole!".
Xneophilia: /nee`oh-fil'-ee-uh/ n. The trait of being excited and
X   pleased by novelty.  Common trait of most hackers, SF fans, and
X   members of several other connected leading-edge subcultures,
X   including the pro-technology `Whole-Earth' wing of the ecology
X   movement, space activists, many members of MENSA, and the
X   Discordian/neo-pagan underground.  All these groups overlap heavily
X   and (where evidence is available) seem to share characteristic
X   hacker tropisms for science fiction, {{Music}}, and {{Oriental
X   Food}}.
Xnet.-: /net dot/ pref. [USENET] Prefix used to describe people and
X   events related to USENET.  From the time before the {Great
X   Renaming}, when all non-local newsgroups had names beginning
X   `net.'.  Includes {net.god}s, `net.goddesses' (various
X   charismatic net.women with circles of on-line admirers),
X   `net.lurkers', (see {lurker}), `net.person',
X   `net.parties' (a synonym for {boink} sense #2 (q.v.)) and
X   many similar constructs.  See also {net.police}.
Xnet.god: /net god/ n. Used to refer to anyone who satisfies some
X   combination of the following conditions: has been visible on USENET
X   for more than five years, ran one of the original backbone sites,
X   moderated an important newsgroup, wrote news software, or knows
X   Gene, Mark, Rick, Mel, Henry, Chuq, and Greg personally.  See
X   {demigod}.
Xnet.police: n. (var. `net.cops') Those USENET readers who feel it is
X   their responsibility to pounce on and {flame} any posting which
X   they regard as offensive, or in violation of their understanding of
X   {netiquette}.  Generally used sarcastically or pejoratively.
X   Also spelled `net police'.  See also {net.-}, {code police}.
Xnethack: /net'hak/ n. See {hack}, sense #8.
Xnetiquette: /net'ee-ket/ or /net'i-ket/ [portmanteau from "network
X   etiquette"] n. Conventions of politeness recognized on {USENET},
X   such as: avoidance of cross-posting to inappropriate groups, or
X   refraining from commercial pluggery on the net.
Xnetnews: n. 1. The software that makes {USENET} run.  2. The
X   content of USENET.  "I read netnews right after my mail most
X   mornings".
Xnetrock: [IBM] n. A {flame}; used esp. on VNET, IBM's internal
X   corporate network.
Xnetwork address: n. (also `net address') As used by hackers,
X   means an address on `the' network (see {network, the}; this is
X   almost always a {bang path} or {{Internet address}}).  Such an
X   address is essential if one wants to be to be taken seriously by
X   hackers; in particular, persons or organizations that claim to
X   understand, work with, sell to, or recruit from among hackers but
X   *don't* display net addresses are quietly presumed to be
X   clueless poseurs and mentally flushed (see {flush}, sense #4).
X   Hackers often put their net addresses on their business cards and
X   wear them prominently in contexts where they expect to meet other
X   hackers face-to-face (see also {{Science-Fiction Fandom}}).  This
X   is mostly functional, but is also a connotative signal that one
X   identifies with hackerdom (like lodge pins among Masons or tie-dyed
X   T-shirts among Grateful Dead fans).  Net addresses are often used
X   in email text as a more concise substitute for personal names;
X   indeed, hackers may come to know each other quite well by network
X   names without ever learning each others' `legal' monikers.  See
X   also {sitename}, {domainist}.
Xnetwork meltdown: n. A state of complete network overload; the
X   network equivalent of {thrash}ing.  This may be induced by a
X   {Chernobyl packet}, See also {broadcast storm}, {kamikaze
X   packet}.
Xnetwork, the: n. 1. The union of all the major noncommercial,
X   academic, and hacker-oriented networks such as Internet, the old
X   ARPANET, NSFnet, {BITNET}, and the virtual UUCP and {USENET}
X   `networks', plus the corporate in-house networks and commercial
X   time-sharing services (such as CompuServe) that gateway to them.  A
X   site is generally considered `on the network' if it can be reached
X   through some combination of Internet-style (@-sign) and UUCP
X   (bang-path) addresses.  See {bang path}, {{Internet address}},
X   {network address}.  2. A fictional conspiracy of libertarian
X   hacker-subversives and anti-authoritarian monkeywrenchers described
X   in Robert Anton Wilson's novel `Schrodinger's Cat', to which
X   many hackers have subsequently decided they belong (this is an
X   example of {ha ha only serious}).
X   In sense #1, `network' is frequently abbreviated to `net'.  "Are
X   you on the net?" is a frequent question when hackers first meet
X   face to face, and "See you on the net!" is a frequent goodbye.
XNew Jersey: [primarily Stanford/Silicon Valley] adj. Generically,
X   brain-damaged or of poor design.  This refers to the allegedly
X   wretched quality of such software as C, C++, and UNIX (which
X   originated at Bell Labs in New Jersey).  "This compiler bites the
X   bag, but what can you expect from a compiler designed in New
X   Jersey?"  See also {UNIX conspiracy}.
XNew Testament: n. [C programmers] The second edition of K&R's `The C
X   Programming Language' (Prentice-Hall 1988, ISBN 0-13-110362-8),
X   describing ANSI Standard C.  See {K&R}.
Xnewbie: /n[y]oo'bee/ n. [orig. from British public-school &
X   military slang contraction of `new boy'] A USENET neophyte.
X   This term originated in the {newsgroup} `talk.bizarre' but is
X   now in wide use.  Criteria for being considered a newbie vary
X   wildly; a person can be called a newbie in one newsgroup while
X   remaining a respected regular in another.  The label `newbie'
X   is sometimes applied as a serious insult, to a person who has been
X   around USENET for a long time but who carefully hides all evidence
X   of having a clue.  See {BIFF}.
Xnewgroup wars: /n[y]oo'grp wohrz/ [USENET] n. Salvos of dueling
X   `newgroup' and `rmgroup' messages sometimes exchanged by
X   persons on opposite sides of a dispute over whether a {newsgroup}
X   should be created net-wide.  These usually settle out within a week
X   or two as it becomes clear whether the group has a natural
X   constituency (usually, it doesn't).  At times, especially in the
X   completely anarchic `alt' hierarchy, the names of newsgroups
X   themselves become a form of comment or humor; e.g. the spinoff of
X   `alt.swedish.chef.bork.bork.bork' from `alt.tv.muppets' in
X   early 1990, or any number of specialized abuse groups named after
X   particularly notorious {flamer}s, e.g. `alt.weemba'.
Xnewline: /n[y]oo'lien/ n. 1. [techspeak, primarily UNIX] The
X   ASCII LF character (#b0001010), used under {UNIX} as a text line
X   terminator.  A Bell-Labs-ism rather than a Berkeleyism;
X   interestingly (and unusually for UNIX jargon) it is said originally
X   to have been an IBM usage (though the term `newline' appears in
X   ASCII standards, it never caught on in the general computing world
X   before UNIX).  2. More generally, any magic character, character
X   sequence, or operation (like Pascal's writeln procedure) required
X   to terminate a text record or separate lines.  See {crlf},
X   {terpri}.
XNeWS: /nee'wis/, /n[y]oo'is/ or /n[y]ooz/ [acronym; the
X   Network Window System] n. The road not taken in window systems, an
X   elegant PostScript-based environment that would almost certainly
X   have won the standards war with {X} if it hadn't been
X   {proprietary} to Sun Microsystems.  There is a lesson here that
X   to many software vendors haven't yet heeded.  Many hackers insist
X   on the two-syllable pronunciations above as a way of distinguishing
X   NeWS from `news' (the {netnews} software).
Xnewsfroup: // [USENET] n. Silly synonym for
X   {newsgroup}, originated as a typo but now in regular use on
X   USENET's talk.bizarre and other lunatic-fringe groups.
Xnewsgroup: [USENET] n. One of {USENET}'s huge collection of topic
X   groups.  Among the best-known are `comp.lang.c' (the C-language
X   forum), `comp.unix.wizards', `rec.arts.sf-lovers' (for
X   science-fiction fans), and `talk.politics.misc' (miscellaneous
X   political discussions and {flamage}).
Xnickle: [From `nickel', common name for the US 5-cent coin] n. A
X   {nybble} + 1; 5 bits.  Reported among developers for Mattel's GI
X   1600 (the Intellivision games processor), a chip with 16-bit-wide
X   RAM but 10-bit-wide ROM.  See also {deckle}.
Xnight mode: n. See {phase} (of people).
XNightmare File System: n. Pejorative hackerism for Sun's Network
X   File System (NFS).  In any nontrivial network of Suns where there
X   is a lot of NFS cross-mounting, when one Sun goes down, the others
X   often freeze up.  Some machine tries to access the down one, and
X   (getting no response) repeats indefinitely.  This causes it to
X   appear dead to some messages.  Then another machine tries to reach
X   either the down machine or the pseudo-down machine, and itself
X   becomes pseudo-down.  The first machine to discover the down one is
X   now trying both to access the down one and respond to the
X   pseudo-down one, so it is even harder to reach.  This snowballs
X   very fast and soon the entire network of machines is frozen --- the
X   user can't even abort the file access that started the problem!
X   (ITS partisans are apt to cite this as proof of UNIX's alleged
X   bogosity; ITS had a working NFS-like shared file system with none
X   of these problems in the early 1970s.  Of course, ITS only had
X   6-character filenames and no subdirectories, so it was solving a
X   simpler problem.)  See also {broadcast storm}.
XNIL: [from LISP terminology for `false'] No.  Usage: used in reply
X   to a question, particularly one asked using the `-P' convention.
X   See {T}.
XNMI: n. Non-Maskable Interrupt.  An IRQ 7 on the PDP-11 or
X   680[01234]0; the NMI line on an 80{88|[1234]86}.  Unlike a
X   {priority interrupt} (which might be ignored, although unlikely),
X   an NMI is *never* ignored.
Xno-op: /noh-op/ alt. NOP (nop) [no operation] n. 1. (also v.) A
X   machine instruction that does nothing (sometimes used in
X   assembler-level programming as filler for data or patch areas, or
X   to overwrite code to be removed in binaries).  See also {JFCL}.
X   2. A person who contributes nothing to a project, or has nothing
X   going on upstairs, or both.  As in "He's a no-op." 3. Any
X   operation or sequence of operations with no effect, such as
X   circling the block without finding a parking space, or putting
X   money into a vending machine and having it fall immediately into
X   the coin-return box, or asking someone for help and being told to
X   go away.  "Oh well, that was a no-op."
Xnoddy: [Great Britain; from the children's books] adj. 1. Small
X   and unuseful, but demonstrating a point.  Noddy programs are often
X   written when learning a new language or system.  The archetypal
X   noddy program is {hello, world}.  Noddy code may be used to
X   demonstrate a feature or bug of a compiler.  May be used of real
X   hardware or software to imply that it isn't worth using.  "This
X   editor's a bit noddy."  2. A program that is more or less
X   instant to produce.  In this use, the term does not necessarily
X   connote uselessness, but describes a {hack} sufficiently trivial
X   that it can be written and debugged while carrying on (and during
X   the space of) a normal conversation.  "I'll just throw
X   together a noddy {awk} script to convert {crlf}s into
X   {newline}s."  See {toy program}.
XNOMEX underwear: [USENET] n. Syn. {asbestos longjohns}, used
X   mostly in auto-related mailing lists and newsgroups.  NOMEX
X   underwear is an actual product available on the racing equipment
X   market, used as a fire resistance measure and required in some
X   racing series.
Xnon-optimal solution: n. (also `sub-optimal solution') An
X   astoundingly stupid way to do something.  This term is generally
X   used in deadpan sarcasm, as its impact is greatest when the person
X   speaking looks completely serious.  Compare {stunning}.  See also
X   {Bad Thing}.
Xnonlinear: adj. [scientific computation] 1. Behaving in an erratic and
X   unpredictable fashion.  When used to describe the behavior of a
X   machine or program, it suggests that said machine or program is
X   being forced to run far outside of design specifications.  This
X   behavior may be induced by unreasonable inputs, or may be triggered
X   when a more mundane bug sends the computation far off from its
X   expected course.  2. When describing the behavior of a person,
X   suggests a tantrum or a {flame}.  "When you talk to Bob, don't
X   mention the drug problem or he'll go nonlinear for hours."  In
X   this context, `go nonlinear' connotes `blow up out of proportion'
X   (proportion connotes linearity).
Xnontrivial: adj. Requiring real thought or significant computing
X   power.  Often used as an understated way of saying that a problem
X   is quite difficult or impractical, or even entirely unsolvable
X   ("Proving P=NP is nontrivial.").  The preferred emphatic form is
X   `decidedly nontrivial'.  See {trivial}, {uninteresting},
X   {interesting}.
Xnotwork: n. A network, when it's acting {flaky} or is {down}.
X   Compare {nyetwork}.  Orig. referred to a particular period of
X   flakiness on IBM's VNET corporate network, ca.1988.
XNP-: /en pee/ pref. Extremely.  Used to modify adjectives
X   describing a level or quality of difficulty; the connotation is
X   often `more so than it should be' (NP-complete problems all seem to
X   be very hard, but so far no one has found a good a-priori reason
X   that they should be.)  "Getting this algorithm to perform
X   correctly in every case is NP-annoying."  This is generalized from
X   the computer science terms `NP-hard' and `NP-complete'.  NP
X   is the set of Nondeterministic-Polynomial algorithms, those that
X   can be completed by a nondeterministic finite state machine in an
X   amount of time that is a polynomial function of the size of the
X   input.
XNSA line eater: n. The NSA (National Security Agency) trawling
X   program sometimes assumed to be reading {USENET} for the U.S.
X   Government's spooks.  Most hackers describe it as a mythical beast,
X   but some believe it actually exists, more aren't sure, and many
X   believe in acting as though it exists just in case.  Some netters
X   put loaded phrases like `Uzi', `nuclear materials', `Palestine',
X   `cocaine', and `assassination' in their {sig block}s in an
X   attempt to confuse and overload the creature.  The {GNU} version
X   of {EMACS} actually has a command that randomly inserts a bunch
X   of insidious anarcho-verbiage into your edited text.
X   There's a mainstream variant of this myth involving a `Trunk Line
X   Monitor', which supposedly used speech recognition to extract words
X   from telephone trunks.  This one was making the rounds in the late
X   1970s, spread by people who had no idea of then-current technology
X   or the storage, signal-processing, or speech recognition needs of
X   such a project.  On the basis of mass-storage costs alone it would
X   have been cheaper to hire 50 high-school students and just let them
X   listen in.  Speech recognition technology can't do this job even
X   now (1991), and almost certainly won't in this millennium, either.
X   The peak of silliness came with a letter to an alternative paper in
X   New Haven, laying out the factoids of this Big Brotherly affair.
X   The letter writer then revealed his actual agenda by offering ---
X   at an amazing low price, just this once, we take VISA and
X   MasterCard --- a scrambler, guaranteed to daunt the Trunk Trawler,
X   and presumably allowing the would-be Baader-Meinhof gangs of the
X   world to get on with their business.
Xnuke: vt. 1. To intentionally delete the entire contents of a
X   given directory or storage volume.  "On UNIX, `rm -r /usr'
X   will nuke everything in the usr filesystem."  Never used for
X   accidental deletion.  Oppose {blow away}.  2. Syn. for
X   {dike}, applied to smaller things such as files, features, or
X   code sections.  Often used to express a final verdict.  "What do
X   you want me to do with that 80-meg {wallpaper} file?"  "Nuke
X   it."  3. Used of processes as well as files; nuke is a frequent
X   verbal alias for `kill -9' on UNIX.  4. On IBM PCs, a bug
X   that results in {fandango on core} can trash the operating
X   system, including the FAT (the in-core copy of the disk block
X   chaining information).  This can utterly scramble attached disks,
X   which are then said to have been `nuked'.  This term is also
X   used of analogous lossages on Macintoshes and other micros without
X   memory protection.
Xnull device: [techspeak] n. A {logical} input/output device
X   connected to the {bit bucket}; when you write to it nothing
X   happens, when you read from it you see an end-of-file condition.
X   Useful for discarding unwanted output or using interactive programs
X   in a {batch} mode.  See {/dev/null}.
Xnumber-crunching: n. Computations of a numerical nature, esp.
X   those that make extensive use of floating-point numbers.  The only
X   thing {Fortrash} is good for.  This term is in widespread
X   informal use outside hackerom and even in mainstream slang, but is
X   cited here to record some additional hackish connotations: namely,
X   that the computations are mindless and involve massive use of
X   {brute force}.  This is not always {evil}, esp. if it involves
X   ray tracing or fractals or some other use that makes {pretty
X   pictures}, esp. if such pictures can be used as {wallpaper}.  See
X   also {crunch}.
Xnumbers: [scientific computation] n. Output of a computation that
X   may not be significant results, but at least indicate that the
X   program is running.  May be used to placate management, grant
X   sponsors, etc.  `Making numbers' means running a program
X   because output --- any output, not necessarily meaningful output
X   --- is needed as a demonstration of progress.  See {pretty
X   pictures}, {math-out}, {social science number}.
XNUXI problem: /nuk'see pro'blm/ n. This refers to the problem of
X   transferring data between machines with differing byte-order.  The
X   string `UNIX' might look like `NUXI' on a machine with a
X   different `byte sex' (e.g. when transferring data from a
X   {little-endian} to a {big-endian}, or vice-versa).  See also
X   {middle-endian}, {swab}, and {bytesexual}.
Xnybble: /nib'l/ (alt. `nibble') [from v. `nibble' by
X   analogy with `bite' => `byte'] n. Four bits; one
X   {hex} digit; a half-byte.  Though `byte' is now accepted
X   technical jargon found in dictionaries, this useful relative is
X   still jargon.  Compare {{byte}}, {crumb}, {tayste},
X   {dynner}, see also {bit}, {nickle}, {deckle}.  Apparently
X   this spelling is uncommon in Commonwealth Hackish, as British
X   orthography suggests the pronunciation /nie'bl/.
Xnyetwork: [from Russian `nyet' = no] n. A network, when it's
X   acting {flaky} or is {down}.  Compare {notwork}.
X= O =
XOb-: /ob/ pref. Obligatory.  A piece of {netiquette} that
X   acknowledges the author has been straying from the newsgroup's
X   charter topic.  For example, if a posting in alt.sex has nothing
X   particularly to do with sex, the author may append `ObSex' (or
X   `Obsex') and toss off a question or vignette about some unusual
X   erotic act.  It is a sign of great winnitude when your Obs are more
X   interesting than most other peoples' whole postings.
XObfuscated C Contest: n. Annual contest run since 1984 over USENET
X   by Landon Curt Noll and friends.  The overall winner is whoever
X   produces the most unreadable, creative, and bizarre (but working) C
X   program; various other prizes are awarded at the judges' whim.
X   Given C's terse syntax and macro-preprocessor facilities, this
X   gives contestants a lot of maneuvering room.  The winning programs
X   often manage to be simultaneously (a) funny, (b) breathtaking works
X   of art, and (c) horrible examples of how *not* to code in C.
X   This relatively short and sweet entry might help convey the flavor
X   of obfuscated C:
X     /*
X      * HELLO WORLD program
X      * by Jack Applin and Robert Heckendorn, 1985
X      */
X     main(v,c)char**c;{for(v[c++]="Hello, world!\n)";
X     (!!c)[*c]&&(v--||--c&&execlp(*c,*c,c[!!c]+!!c,!c));
X     **c=!c)write(!!*c,*c,!!**c);}
X   Here's another good one:
X     /*
X      * Program to compute an approximation of pi
X      *  by Brian Westley, 1988
X      */
X     #define _ -F<00||--F-OO--;
X     int F=00,OO=00;
X     main(){F_OO();printf("%1.3f\n",4.*-F/OO/OO);}F_OO()
X     {
X                 _-_-_-_
X            _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X         _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X       _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X      _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X      _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X     _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X     _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X     _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X     _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X      _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X      _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X       _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X         _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X             _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X                 _-_-_-_
X     }
X   See also {hello, world}.
XObjectionable-C: n. Hackish take on "Objective-C", the name of an
X   object-oriented dialect of C in competition with the more
X   well-known C++ (it is used to write native applications on the NeXT
X   machine).  Objectionable-C uses a Smalltalk-like syntax, but lacks
X   the flexibility of Smalltalk method calls, and (like many such
X   efforts) comes frustratingly close to attaining the {Right Thing}
X   without actually doing so.
Xobscure: adj. Used in an exaggeration of its normal meaning, to
X   imply total incomprehensibility.  "The reason for that last crash
X   is obscure."  "The `find(1)' command's syntax is obscure!"
X   The phrase `moderately obscure' implies that it could be
X   figured out but probably isn't worth the trouble.  The construction
X   `obscure in the extreme' is the preferred emphatic form.
Xoctal forty: /ok'tl for'tee/ n. Hackish way of saying "I'm drawing
X   a blank."  Octal 40 is the {{ASCII}} space character, #b0100000; by
X   an odd coincidence, {hex} 40 (#b01000000) is the {{EBCDIC}} space
X   character.  See {wall}.
Xoff the trolley: adj. Describes the behavior of a program that
X   malfunctions and goes catatonic, but doesn't actually {crash} or
X   abort.  See {glitch}, {bug}, {deep space}.
Xoff-by-one error: n. Exceedingly common error induced in many ways,
X   such as by starting at 0 when you should have started at 1 or vice
X   versa, or by writing < N instead of <= N or vice-versa.  Also
X   applied to giving something to the person next to the one who
X   should have gotten it.  Often confounded with {fencepost error},
X   which is properly a particular subtype of it.
Xoffline: adv. Not now or not here.  Example: "Let's take this
X   discussion offline."  Specifically used on {USENET} to suggest
X   that a discussion be taken off a public newsgroup to email.
Xold fart: n. Tribal elder.  A title self-assumed with remarkable
X   frequency by (esp.) USENETters who have been programming for more
X   than about 25 years; frequently appears in {sig block}s attached
X   to Jargon File contributions of great archeological significance.
X   This is a term of insult in second or third person but pride in
X   first person.
XOld Testament: n. [C programmers] The first edition of {K&R}, the
X   sacred text describing {Classic C}.
Xone bell system (it works): This was the output from the old UNIX
X   V6 `1' command.  The `1' command then did a random number roll that
X   gave it a one-in-ten chance of recursively executing itself.
Xone-line fix: n. Used (often sarcastically) of a change to a
X   program that is thought to be trivial or insignificant right up to
X   the moment it crashes the system.  Usually `cured' by another
X   one-line fix.  See also {I didn't change anything!}.
Xone-liner wars: n. Popular game among hackers who code in the
X   language APL (see {write-only language}).  The objective is to
X   see who can code the most interesting and/or useful routine in one
X   line of operators chosen from APL's exceedingly {hairy} primitive
X   set.  A similar amusement was practiced among {TECO} hackers.
X   Ken Iverson, the inventor of APL, has been credited with the
X   following one-liner: given a number N, it produces a list of the
X   prime numbers from 1 to N.  It looks like this:
X	(2 = 0 +.= T o.| T) / T <- iN
X   where `o' is the APL null character, the assignment arrow is a
X   single character, and `i' represents the APL iota.
Xooblick: /oo'blik/ [from Dr. Seuss's `Bartholomew and the
X   Oobleck'] n. A bizarre semi-liquid sludge made from cornstarch and
X   water.  Enjoyed among hackers who make batches during playtime at
X   parties for its amusing and extremely non-Newtonian behavior; it
X   pours and splatters, but resists rapid motion like a solid and will
X   even crack when hit by a hammer.  Often found near lasers.
X   Here's a field-tested ooblick recipe contributed by GLS:
X     1 cup cornstarch
X     1 cup baking soda
X     3/4 cup water
X     N drops of food coloring
X   This recipe isn't quite as non-Newtonian as a pure cornstarch
X   ooblick, but has an appropriately slimy feel.
Xopen: n. Abbreviation for `open (or left) parenthesis' --- used when
X   necessary to eliminate oral ambiguity.  To read aloud the LISP form
X   (DEFUN FOO (X) (PLUS X 1)) one might say: "Open defun foo, open
X   eks close, open, plus eks one, close close."
Xopen switch: [IBM, prob. from railroading] n. An unresolved
X   question, issue, or problem.
Xoperating system:: [techspeak] n. (Often abbreviated `OS') The
X   foundation software of a machine, of course; that which schedules
X   tasks, allocates storage, and presents a default interface to the
X   user between applications.  The facilities an operating system
X   provides and its general design philosophy exert an extremely
X   strong influence on programming style and the technical cultures
X   that grows up around its host machines.  Hacker folklore has been
X   shaped primarily by the UNIX, ITS, TOPS-10, TOPS-20/TWENEX, WAITS,
X   CP/M, MS-DOS, and Multics operating systems (most importantly by
X   ITS and UNIX). Each of these has its own entry, which see.
XOrange Book: n. The U.S. Government's standards document (Trusted
X   Computer System Evaluation Criteria, DOD standard 5200.28-STD,
X   December, 1985) characterizing secure computing architectures,
X   defining levels A1 (most secure) through D (least).  Stock UNIXes
X   are roughly C2.  See also {{book titles}}.
XOriental Food:: n. Hackers display an intense tropism towards
X   Oriental cuisine, especially Chinese, and especially of the spicier
X   varieties such as Szechuan and Hunan.  This phenomenon (which has
X   also been observed in subcultures which overlap heavily with
X   hackerdom, most notably science-fiction fandom) has never been
X   satisfactorily explained, but is sufficiently intense that one can
X   assume the target of a hackish dinner expedition to be the best
X   local Chinese place and be right at least 3 times out of 4. See
X   also {ravs}, {great-wall}, {stir-fried random}, {laser
X   chicken}, {Yu-Shiang Whole Fish}.  Thai, Indian, Korean, and
X   Vietnamese cuisines are also quite popular.
Xorphan: [UNIX] n. A process whose parent has died; one inherited by
X   `init(1)'.  Compare {zombie}.
Xorthogonal: [from mathematics] adj. Mutually independent; well
X   separated; sometimes, irrelevant to.  Used in a generalization of
X   its mathematical meaning to describe sets of primitives or
X   capabilities which, like a vector basis in geometry, span the
X   entire `capability space' of the system and are in some sense
X   non-overlapping or mutually independent.  For example, in
X   architectures such as the PDP-11 or VAX where all or nearly all
X   registers can be used interchangeably in any role with respect to
X   any instruction, the register set is said to be orthogonal.  Or, in
X   logic, the set of operators `not' and `or' is orthogonal,
X   but the set `nand', `or', and `not' is not (because any
X   one of these can be expressed in terms of the others).  Also used
X   in comments on human discourse: "This may be orthogonal to the
X   discussion, but...".
XOS: /oh ess/ 1. [Operating System] n. Acronym heavily used in email,
X   occasionally in speech. 2. n. obs. On ITS, an output spy.  See
X   Appendix A.
XOS/2: /oh ess too/ n. The anointed successor to MS-DOS for
X   Intel-286 and 386-based micros; proof that IBM/Microsoft couldn't
X   get it right the second time, either.  Cited here because
X   mentioning it is usually good for a cheap laugh among hackers ---
X   the design was so {baroque}, and the implementation of 1.x so
X   bad, that three years after introduction you could still count the
X   major {app}s shipping for it on the fingers of two hands --- in
X   unary.  Often called `Half-an-OS'.  On 28 January 1991, Microsoft
X   announced that it was dropping its OS/2 development to concentrate
X   on Windows, leaving the OS entirely in the hands of IBM; on 29
X   January they claimed the media had got the story wrong, but were
X   vague about how.  It looks as though OS/2 is dead.  See
X   {vaporware}, {monstrosity}, {cretinous}, {second-system
X   effect}.
Xout-of-band: [from telecommunications and network theory] adj. In
X   software, describes values of a function which are not in its
X   `natural' range of return values, but are rather signals that some
X   kind of exception has occurred.  Many C functions, for example,
X   return either a nonnegative integral value or an out-of-band `-1' to
X   indicate failure.  Compare {hidden flag}.
Xoverflow bit: n. 1. [techspeak] On some processors, an attempt to
X   calculate a result too large for a register to hold causes a
X   particular {flag} called an {overflow bit} to be set.
X   2. Hackers use the term of human thought too.  "Well, the {{Ada}}
X   description was {baroque} all right, but I could hack it OK until
X   they got to the exception handling...that set my overflow bit."
X   3. The hypothetical bit that will be set if a hacker doesn't get to
X   make a trip to the Room Of Porcelain Fixtures: "I'd better process
X   an internal interrupt before the overflow bit gets set".
Xoverrun: n. 1. [techspeak] Term for a frequent consequence of data
X   arriving faster than it can be consumed, esp. in serial line
X   communications.  For example, at 9600 baud there is almost exactly
X   one character per millisecond, so if your {silo} can hold only
X   two characters and the machine takes longer than 2 ms to get to
X   service the interrupt at least one character will be lost.  2. Also
X   applied to non-serial-I/O communications. "I forgot to pay my
X   electric bill due to mail overrun." "Sorry, I got four phone
X   calls in three minutes last night and lost your message to
X   overrun."  When {thrash}ing at tasks, the next person to make a
X   request might be told "Overrun!"  3. More loosely, may refer to a
X   {buffer overflow} not necessarily related to processing time (as
X   in {overrun screw}).
Xoverrun screw: [C programming] n. A variety of {fandango on core}
X   produced by scribbling past the end of an array (C has no checks
X   for this).  This is relatively benign and easy to spot if the array
X   is static; if it is auto, the result may be to {smash the stack}
X   --- often resulting in {heisenbug}s of the most diabolical
X   subtlety.  The term `overrun screw' is used esp. of scribbles
X   beyond the end of arrays allocated with `malloc(3)'; this
X   typically trashes the allocation header for the next block in the
X   {arena}, producing massive lossage within malloc and often
X   a core dump on the next operation to use `stdio(3)' or
X   `malloc(3)' itself.  See {spam}, {overrun}; see also
X   {memory leak}, {aliasing bug}, {precedence lossage},
X   {fandango on core}, {secondary damage}.
X= P =
XP.O.D.: /pee-oh-dee/ Acronym for `Piece Of Data' (as opposed to a
X   code section). Usage: pedantic and rare.  See also {pod}.
Xpadded cell: n. Where you put {luser}s so they can't hurt anything.
X   A program that limits a luser to a carefully restricted subset
X   of the capabilities of the host system (for example, the
X   `rsh(1)' utility on UNIX).  Note that this is different from
X   an {iron box} because it's overt and not aimed at enforcing
X   security so much as protecting others (and the luser him/herself!)
X   from the consequences of the luser's boundless naivete (see
X   {naive}).  Also `padded cell environment'.
Xpage in: [MIT] vi. 1. To become aware of one's surroundings again after
X   having paged out (see {page out}).  Usually confined to the sarcastic
X   comment, "So-and-so pages in.  Film at 11."  See {film at 11}.
X   2. Syn. `swap in'; see {swap}.
Xpage out: [MIT] vi. 1. To become unaware of one's surroundings
X   temporarily, due to daydreaming or preoccupation.  "Can you repeat
X   that?  I paged out for a minute."  See {page in}.  Compare
X   {glitch}, {thinko}.  2. Syn. `swap out'; see {swap}.
Xpain in the net: n. A {flamer}.
Xpaper-net: n. Hackish way of referring to the postal service,
X   analogizing it to a very slow, low-reliability network.  USENET
X   {sig block}s not uncommonly include a "Paper-Net:" header just
X   before the sender's postal address; common variants of this are
X   "Papernet" and "P-Net".  Compare {voice-net}, {snail-mail}.
Xparam: /p*-ram'/ n. Shorthand for `parameter'.  See also
X   {parm}; Compare {arg}, {var}.
Xparent message: n. See {followup}.
Xparity errors: pl.n. Those little lapses of attention or (in more
X   severe cases) consciousness, usually brought on by having spent all
X   night and most of the next day hacking.  "I need to go home and
X   crash; I'm starting to get a lot of parity errors."  Derives from a
X   relatively common but nearly always correctable transient error in
X   RAM hardware.
Xparse: [from linguistic terminology] vt. 1. To determine the
X   syntactic structure of a sentence or other utterance (close to the
X   standard English meaning).  Example: "That was the one I saw
X   you."  "I can't parse that."  2. More generally, to understand
X   or comprehend.  "It's very simple; you just kretch the glims and
X   then aos the zotz."  "I can't parse that."  3. Of fish, to
X   have to remove the bones yourself (usually at a Chinese
X   restaurant).  "I object to parsing fish", means "I don't want to
X   get a whole fish, but a sliced one is okay."  A `parsed fish'
X   has been deboned.  There is some controversy over whether
X   `unparsed' should mean `bony', or also mean `deboned'.
XParkinson's Law of Data: prov. "Data expands to fill the space
X   available for storage"; buying more memory encourages the use of
X   more memory-intensive techniques.  It has been observed over the
X   last ten years that the memory usage of evolving systems tends to
X   double roughly once every 18 months.  Fortunately, memory density
X   available for constant dollars tends to double about once every
X   twelve months (see {Moore's Law}); unfortunately, the laws of
X   physics guarantee that this cannot be expected to continue
X   indefinitely.
Xparm: /parm/ n. Further-compressed form of {param}.  This term
X   is an IBMism, and written use is almost unknown outside IBM shops;
X   spoken /parm/ is more widely distributed, but the synonym {arg}
X   is favored among hackers.  Compare {arg}, {var}.
XPascal:: n. An Algol-descended language designed by Niklaus Wirth on
X   the CDC 6600 around 1967--68 as an instructional tool for elementary
X   programming.  This language, designed primarily to keep students
X   from shooting themselves in the foot and thus extremely restrictive
X   from a general-purpose-programming point of view, was later
X   promoted as a general-purpose tool and, in fact, became the ancestor
X   of a large family of languages including Modula-2 and {{Ada}} (see also
X   {bondage-and-discipline language}).  The hackish point of view on
X   Pascal was perhaps best summed up by a devastating (and, in its
X   deadpan way, screamingly funny) 1981 paper by Brian Kernighan (of
X   {K&R} fame) entitled `Why Pascal is Not My Favorite
X   Programming Language'.  Part of his discussion is worth repeating
X   here, because its criticisms are still apposite to Pascal itself
X   after ten years of improvement and could also stand as an
X   indictment of many other bondage-and-discipline languages.  At
X   the end of a summary of the case against Pascal, he wrote:
X     9. There is no escape
X     This last point is perhaps the most important.  The language is
X     inadequate but circumscribed, because there is no way to escape its
X     limitations.  There are no casts to disable the type-checking when
X     necessary.  There is no way to replace the defective run-time
X     environment with a sensible one, unless one controls the compiler that
X     defines the "standard procedures".  The language is closed. 
X     People who use Pascal for serious programming fall into a fatal trap.
X     Because the language is impotent, it must be extended.  But each group
X     extends Pascal in its own direction, to make it look like whatever
X     language they really want.  Extensions for separate compilation,
X     Fortran-like COMMON, string data types, internal static variables,
X     initialization, octal numbers, bit operators, etc., all add to the
X     utility of the language for one group but destroy its portability to
X     others.
X     I feel that it is a mistake to use Pascal for anything much beyond its
X     original target.  In its pure form, Pascal is a toy language, suitable
X     for teaching but not for real programming.
X   Pascal has since been almost entirely displaced (by {C}) from the
X   niches it had acquired in serious applications and systems
X   programming, but retains some popularity as a hobbyist language in
X   the MS-DOS and Macintosh worlds.
Xpatch: 1. n. A temporary addition to a piece of code, usually as
X   a {quick and dirty} remedy to an existing bug or misfeature.  A
X   patch may or may not work, and may or may not eventually be
X   incorporated permanently into the program.  Compare {one-line
X   fix}.  2. vt. To insert a patch into a piece of code.  3. [in
X   the UNIX world] n. A {diff} (sense #2).  4. A set of
X   modifications to binaries to be applied by a patching program.  IBM
X   operating systems often receive updates to the operating system in
X   the form of absolute hexadecimal patches.  If you have modified
X   your OS, you have to disassemble these back to the source.  The
X   patches might later be corrected by other patches on top of them
X   (it was said that the patches "grow scar tissue").  The result
X   was often a convoluted {patch space} and headaches galore.
X   There is a classic story of a {tiger team} penetrating a secure
X   military computer which illustrates the danger inherent in binary
X   patches (or, indeed, any that you can't inspect and examine
X   beforehand).  They couldn't find any trapdoors or way to penetrate
X   security of IBM's OS, so they made a site visit to an IBM office
X   (remember, these were official military types who were purportedly
X   on official business), swiped some IBM stationery, and created a
X   fake patch.  The patch was actually the trapdoor they needed.  The
X   patch was distributed at about the right time for an IBM patch, had
X   official stationery and all accompanying documentation, and was
X   dutifully installed.  The installation manager very shortly
X   thereafter learned something about proper procedures....
Xpatch space: n. An unused block of bits left in a binary so that it
X   can later be modified by insertion of machine-language instructions
X   there (typically, the superseded code is replaced by a jump or call
X   to the patched area).  In 1991, widening use of HLLs has made this
X   term rare and now primarily historical outside IBM shops.  See
X   {patch} (sense #4), {zap} (sense #4).
Xpath: n. 1. A {bang path} or explicitly routed {{Internet
X   address}}; a node-by-node specification of a link between two
X   machines.  2. [UNIX] A filename, fully specified relative to the
X   root directory (as opposed to relative to the current directory;
X   the latter is sometimes called a `relative path'). This is also
X   called a `pathname'.  3. [UNIX & MS-DOS] The `search
X   path', an environment variable specifying the directories in which
X   the {shell} (COMMAND.COM, under MS-DOS) should look for commands.
X   Other, similar constructs abound under UNIX (for example, the C
X   preprocessor has a `search path' it uses in looking for
X   `#include' files.
Xpathological: adj. 1. [scientific computation] Used of a data set
X   that is grossly atypical of normal expected input, esp. one which
X   exposes a weakness or bug in whatever algorithm one is using.  An
X   algorithm that can be broken by pathological inputs may still be
X   useful if such inputs are very unlikely to occur in practice.
X   2. When used of test input, implies that it was purposefully
X   engineered as a worst case.  The implication in both senses is that
X   the data is spectacularly ill-conditioned or that someone had to
X   explicitly set out to break the algorithm in order to come up with
X   such a crazy example.  2. Also said of an unlikely collection of
X   circumstances.  "If the network is down and comes up halfway
X   through the execution of that command by root, the system might
X   just crash."  "Yes, but that's a pathological case."  Often used
X   to dismiss the case from discussion, with the implication that the
X   consequences are acceptable given they will happen so infrequently
X   (or not at all) that their is no justification for going to extra
X   work to handle that case (see sense #1).
Xpayware: n. Commercial software.  Oppose {shareware} or
X   {freeware}.
XPBD: [abbrev. of `Programmer Brain Damage'] n. Applied to bug reports
X   revealing places where the program was obviously broken due to an
X   incompetent or short-sighted programmer.  Compare {UBD}; see also
X   {brain-damaged}.
XPC-ism: n. A piece of code or coding technique that takes advantage
X   of the unprotected single-tasking environment in IBM PCs and the
X   like, e.g., by busy-waiting on a hardware register, direct diddling
X   of screen memory, or using hard timing loops.  Compare
X   {ill-behaved}, {vaxism}, {unixism}.  Also, `pc-ware' n., a program
X   full of PC-isms on a machine with a more capable operating system.
X   Pejorative.
XPD: /pee-dee/ adj. Common abbreviation for "public domain", applied
X   to software distributed over {USENET} and from Internet archive
X   sites.  Much of this software is not in fact "public domain" in
X   the legal sense but travels under various copyrights granting
X   reproduction and use rights to anyone who can {snarf} a copy.  See
X   {copyleft}.
Xpdl: /pid'l/ or /puhd'l/ [acronym for Push Down List] 1. In ITS
X   days, the preferred MITism for {stack}.  2. Dave Lebling, one
X   of the co-authors of {Zork}; (his {network address} on the ITS
X   machines was at one time pdl@dms).  3. Program Design Language.
X   Any of a large class of formal and profoundly useless
X   pseudo-languages in which {management} forces one to design
X   programs.  {Management} often expects it to be maintained in
X   parallel with the code.  See also {{flowchart}}.
XPDP-10: [Programmed Data Processor model 10] n. The machine that
X   made timesharing real.  Looms large in hacker folklore due to early
X   adoption in the mid-1970s by many university computing facilities and
X   research labs including the MIT AI lab, Stanford, and CMU.  Some
X   aspects of the instruction set (most notably the bit-field
X   instructions) are still considered unsurpassed.  Later editions
X   were labelled `DECsystem-10' as a way of differentiating them from
X   the PDP-11.  The '10 was eventually eclipsed by the VAX machines
X   (descendants of the PDP-11) and dropped from DEC's line in the
X   early 1980s, and in mid-1991 to have cut one's teeth on one is
X   considered something of a badge of honorable old-timerhood among
X   hackers.  See {TOPS-10}, {ITS}, {AOS}, {BLT}, {DDT},
X   {DPB}, {EXCH}, {HAKMEM}, {JFCL}, {LDB}, {pop},
X   {push}, Appendix A.
Xpeek: n.,vt. (and {poke}) The commands in most microcomputer
X   BASICs for directly accessing memory contents at an absolute
X   address; often extended to mean the corresponding constructs in any
X   {HLL}.  Much hacking on small, non-MMU micros consists of
X   {peek}ing around memory, more or less at random, to find the
X   location where the system keeps interesting stuff.  Long (and
X   variably accurate) lists of such addresses for various computers
X   circulate (see {{interrupt list, the}}).  The results of {poke}s
X   at these addresses may be highly useful, mildly amusing, useless
X   but neat, or (most likely) total {lossage} (see {killer poke}).
Xpencil and paper: n. An archaic information-storage and
X   transmission device that works by depositing smears of graphite on
X   bleached wood pulp.  More recent developments in paper-based
X   technology include improved `write-once' update devices which use
X   tiny rolling heads similar to mouse balls to deposit colored
X   pigment.  These devices require an operator skilled at so-called
X   `handwriting' technique.  These technologies are ubiquitous outside
X   hackerdom, but nearly forgotten inside it.  Most hackers had
X   terrible handwriting to begin with, and years of keyboarding tend
X   if anything to have encouraged it to degrade further.  Perhaps for
X   this reason hackers deprecate pencil and paper technology and
X   often resist using it in any but the most trivial contexts.  See
X   also Appendix B.
Xpeon: n. A person with no special ({root} or {wheel})
X   privileges on a computer system.  "I can't create an account on
X   foovax for you; I'm only a peon there."
Xpercent-s: /per-sent' ess/ [From "%s", the formatting sequence in
X   C's `printf(3)' library function used to insert an arbitrary
X   string argument] n. An unspecified person or object.  "I was just
X   talking to some percent-s in administration."  Compare {random}.
Xperf: /perf/ n. See {chad} (sense #1).  The term `perfory'
X   /per'f*-ree/ is also heard.
Xperfect programmer syndrome: n. Arrogance; the egotistical
X   conviction that one is above normal human error.  Most frequently
X   found among programmers of some native ability but relatively
X   little experience (especially new graduates; their perceptions may
X   be distorted by a history of excellent performance bashing toy
X   problems).  "Of course my program is correct, there is no need to
X   test it."  Or "Yes, I can see there may be a problem here, but
X   *I'll* never type `rm -r /' while in {root}."
XPerl: [Practical Extraction and Report Language, aka Pathologically
X   Eclectic Rubbish Lister] n. An interpreted language developed by
X   Larry Wall (lwall@jpl.nasa.gov, author of `patch(1)' and
X   `rn(1)') and distributed over USENET.  Superficially resembles
X   `awk(1)', but is much hairier (see {awk}).  UNIX sysadmins,
X   who are almost always incorrigible hackers, increasingly consider
true || echo 'restore of jargon.ascii failed'
echo 'End of part 12, continue with part 13'
echo 13 > _shar_seq_.tmp
exit 0