[comp.misc] Legal liability of Hackers!!!

mcnab_pd@darwin.ntu.edu.au (03/28/91)


This might not be the right place to post this request, but here goes:

I am currently doing some research into the legal liability of computer
hackers. I would like to hear from anybody who has read/written anything
on this area.

Any comments/opinions on what is the appropriate response would also be

Thanks in advance!!

NTU University

rivero@dev8.mdcbbs.com (04/01/91)

In article <1991Mar28.235016.764@darwin.ntu.edu.au>, mcnab_pd@darwin.ntu.edu.au writes:
> Howdy,
> This might not be the right place to post this request, but here goes:
> I am currently doing some research into the legal liability of computer
> hackers. I would like to hear from anybody who has read/written anything
> on this area.
> Any comments/opinions on what is the appropriate response would also be
> welcome.
> Thanks in advance!!
> M.P.Neely
> NTU University
The legal liability of hackers is the same as that for any other person
who goes where they are not supposed to (providing "reasonable") 
preventative measures have been taken). In the case of minor infractions, it
varies from state to state. If the hacker crosses a state line (electronically)
while committing a crime, or moves illegally obtained data across a state
line, then it becomes a federal issue. The major problem is one of
detection and enforcability, not law. Most attempts at "hackers laws"
are attempts to prevent access to the required technology without running
into a constitutional wall. Ultimatly, the hacker/system interface will
become socially equal to the burgler/locksmith one.