[comp.misc] WordStar emulation mode in Emacs, What is this world coming to?

neal@mnopltd.UUCP (04/11/91)

->I'm involved in getting a bunch of PC users to use a bunch of
->Suns.  I know for fact that it's possible for write a script
->which will make emacs emulate WordStar.

Gagg, barf, bleeah, what are you saying?!?!  Are you sure a Sun is enough 
horsepower to have Emacs running AND emulating a stooooopid PeeCee (if not
CP/m) editor?  Perhaps an RS6000 might do.

Neal Rhodes                       MNOP Ltd                     (404)- 972-5430
President                Lilburn (atlanta) GA 30247             Fax:  978-4741

PS: sorry.  I flew off the handle.  Over-reacted.   Never Mind.   Have a nice

dww@math.fu-berlin.de (Debora Weber-Wulff) (04/16/91)

neal@mnopltd.UUCP flew off the handle writing :  

[someone needed wordstar for emacs]
>Gagg, barf, bleeah, what are you saying?!?!  Are you sure a Sun is enough 
>horsepower to have Emacs running AND emulating a stooooopid PeeCee (if not
>CP/m) editor?  Perhaps an RS6000 might do.

Well, things like that happen! The suits up at the Senat decided
all schools in Berlin should use UNIX computers. The teachers all
have PCs at home. vi is extremely difficult to teach and use. emacs
is wonderful for hackers, but people get frustrated by the
fat-finger-syndrome (or do you never type C-v for C-b?). wordstar (which
they know) for emacs? Wonderful! I installed the wordstar.el file and
it worked beautifully! Don't knock the PCs! Not all of us have
the loose change to buy Cybers and Crays and whatnot!

Debora Weber-Wulff
snail: FU Berlin, ZI Fachdidaktiken, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, W-1000 Berlin 33
email: weberwu@inf.fu-berlin.de, dww@math.fu-berlin.de