[comp.misc] help with unknown disc drive needed

ct@cs.ed.ac.uk (Chris Thornborrow) (04/26/91)

I have just acquired a 10meg drive of approximately 8 years of age. It had
no leads or manual. It has two companies printed on the box :
	Morrow Designs
	Interam (microcomputer specialists)
I believe they are both in the USA.
The beast is 20 inches X 8 inches. Its cream and black :-)
The serial number is MIOF0489 or possibly M10F0489 (its hard to tell).

Can anyone help ? Phone numbers of the companies would be great as would
contact with anyone who thinks they use this drive. 

Chris Thornborrow : JCMB Room 2410, Edinburgh University, West Mains Rd.
 	Tel : 031 650 5120	Email : ct@uk.ac.ed.lfcs