[comp.misc] Don't sell that 64 yet!

don@brahms.udel.edu (Donald R Lloyd) (04/30/91)

	Don't scrap that 64 just yet!  The serial # and the cover of the owner's
manual could save you as much as $1500!  Commodore is implementing it's
"Power Up Program" till June 30th.  If you have any of the machines listed
	Amiga 500, 1000 (even one that's already been traded in & bought back cheap)
Amiga 2000 series, C64, SX64, Plus 4, and yes, even Vic 20....
	Bring your manual front cover to your local dealer with the serial number
of the machine written on it, and you'll be able to purchase Amiga 3000 systems
at the following prices:
	A3000-25/100 (5M) - $3199 (Save $1500)
	A3000-25/50 (2M) - $2249 (Save $1250)
	A3000-16/50 (2M) - $1849 (Save $1150)
	(Disclaimer: prices quoted from an ad by our local dealer.  Should be
				 accurate, though.)
	You even get to keep the old machine to use, sell, throw away, or (my 
favorite option) donate to me :-).

  Gibberish   May the        Publications Editor, AmigaNetwork 
  is spoken   fork() be      Amiga Student On-Campus Consultant, U of D
    here.     with you.      DISCLAIMER:  It's all YOUR fault.