gt8963a@prism.gatech.EDU (MCCARTNEY,JEFFREY ELWOOD) (06/07/91)
I've got a friend who's looking into purchasing supposedly "breathable" computer dust covers. Is there a need for such in school systems where computers are inactive during the summer months. OR would just any old piece of cloth do? Does anyone know of studies done on computers (or even VCR's) of this nature determining: 1. Are covers needed at all? 2. What is the minimum length of time a cover is cost effective? 3. Is breathable important and if so, would pretty much anything breathable suffice? 4. How tight do the covers need to be to be effective? 5. Any thing else in determining functionality. Thank you -- uucp: ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!gt8963a Internet: