[net.unix-wizards] RL02s

mark thompson <THOMPSON@USC-ECLC.ARPA> (12/06/84)

I abase myself before you, and ask a very stupid question:

-Does the driver shipped with 4.2 BSD for the rl02 work as shipped?
-If not, what do i need?

When i try to mount the rl02 i get:
Mount device busy.

-I KNOW it isn't busy...what dumb thing have i overlooked...

root%bostonu.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA (12/20/84)

	Yes, the RL02 driver in 4.2bsd works for me in the following
	configurations: VAX730 Dual RL02, VAX730 R80/RL02.

	Maybe that's the clue, those are both on the IDC which I
	believe would be significant (or is there another driver?)

	Note: for the morbidly curious, yes you can get a fairly
	usable 4.2bsd on a dual rl02 sys tho barely.

		-Barry Shein, Boston University