[comp.misc] Uh-oh! What happened to First Constitution Bank?

hannes@complx.UUCP (Johannes Kiehl) (06/22/91)

Sorry ---

I couldn't find a newsgroup that would have looked any more appropriate
than this one.

I hold an account at FCB, a small bank company located in New Haven (NY),
for several years now. Now for the funny part: 
- they have moved,
- they have merged with another bank,
- and they have changed their name. 
At least that's what I have found out until now.
Can anybody of you US East Coasters reading this newsgroup give me a hint?
All I need to know is where they are and what their name is... 

No, I won't summarize to the net :-)



  ,eSEHBg.    CreaLab
 &HP'ZNF'      Johannes Kiehl
 NZv1K'    0    hannes@complx.stgt.sub.org
 ?ZHXMZ%_      kiehl@dia.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
  `*YZHB*'    Telephon(e) 0711- (+49711-) 611230