[net.unix-wizards] Resolution of the UBA zero vectors

matt@oddjob.UChicago.UUCP (Matt Crawford) (12/21/84)

Thanks go out to all who sent enlightening comments.  DEC finally
eliminated the unibus adapter zero vector problem.  It was a conflict
between the uda50 and our 3 dz11's.  Their long term solution may be
to not sell such a configuration to new customers, but in our case
they cut the etch and soldered some new connections on the dz boards.
The zero vectors have stopped and our terminals still work(!).
There will be a "tech tip" on the problem eventually as this
potentially afflicts any unix or ultrix site.  (Also vms, but you'll
never be aware of it.)
Matt		University	crawford@anl-mcs.arpa
Crawford	of Chicago	ihnp4!oddjob!matt